What a great weekend it was not to have to answer to an alarm clock. It felt great to be able to sleep-in until 8am, then sit in my jammies and read the newspaper (well, really other blogs, yes, that is like the newspaper, it is SO!!!).
I finally got to shovel out weeks worth of newspaper, magazines and yes dirt. Laundry has now been caught up and there is food in the refrigerator. People who thought I'd run off the face of the earth heard from me and I even set up a thingy on Face Book.

Weather wise it was a gorgeous weekend, although a little cold and windy for my liking. The fall colours will be at their peak for next weekend's Canadian Thanksgiving.

To get ready for next season's triathlons (why didn't I start doing them when I was younger?), I start my swimming programme tomorrow night. My calendar is taking shape and looking something like this:
Monday & Wednesday ~ Swimming 5:30 - 7:00pm
Tuesday & Thursday ~ biking at the gym right after work
Saturday & Sunday ~ running...(well just enough to keep me going for a Half Marathon in January called the Hypothermic Half, Half Marathon, Ottawa)
(if any of you really, real triathletes have a better plan, please let me know!).
In the middle of all that I'll be busy with my new Silpada Jewellery business and of course work work.
So, there you go, all is quiet on the home front, Lily and I relaxed, played cat games and generally tidied up....
Life's fun if you don't weaken
Its SOO good to sleep in! I LOVE it! And yeah, I got a good collection of shoes too...one for every occasion (dog walkin', lawn mowin', etc)
Looks like you have a great workout schedule! Looking forward to following your progress :) Cheers from the East Coast......
ohhh sounds like a great weekend :)
Sounds like a great weekend. I hope you enjoyed your time.
I'm enjoying the crazy busy times with my teens, but I'd love a "boring" weekend to my self. :-)
I love weekends like that! They are rejuvenating.
What a relaxing weekend! Hope it was as great as it sounds.
Sounds like a great weekend. I need one of those. Enjoy your break!
Enjoy your down time. Looks like you'll be busy enough again soon.
sounds like you're going to be one busy girl! enjoy!
hey! what gym are you biking at? the one near my place or near your work. I could come join you! Except for the fact that your *after work* and mine are a tad different!
Sounds like a nice weekend. Enjoy the swim program and the coming week.
Love love love fall colors!
Good luck this cold training season!
You earned your no-running weekend!
Good luck with tri-training... I know you'll kick butt!
Good for you for taking a weekend off! I love the fall and all the colors it brings.
Oh and I ask myself the same thing about the sneakers that pile up in my closet.
I agree with Marlene! YOu earned that time off baby!
So now you're going to go all tri on us, are you ;-) Trader! LMAO I'm KIDDING!
You don't know how much I want to say that :-)
I have so many pairs of shoes. I can't wait until my 12 year old can wear size 11 (US). Only one more size to go for him!!!
Decidedly NOT boring :-)
Way to enjoy your recovery time!! Nothing like not having to set an alarm and then get up and enjoy coffee in your pj's. What a treat!!!
Starting a swim class now will pay off BIG TIME next year. Smart girl!
Sounds like a great weekend! Enjoy this week!!
I think you have certainly earned the weekend off from running.
Twice per week swimming and biking should be just the thing to start out with. You are just base building in the winter as a triathlete, so that sould work just fine.
Hypothermic Half Marathon? Humm...I'm not sure how that sounds. ;-)
My kids are still of that age that sleeping in is a rare luxury that only happens when they are sleeping over at the grandparental unit's place, but man it sure sounds nice! Enjoy the new traning plan and good luck on the new business venture.
I think your pre-season triathlon training plan sounds good! You will definitely benefit from spending the off season on swimming and biking along with the running. Hard as it is sometimes to get those runs in the cold weather, its easier to maintain mileage than start over. But with your swimming and biking cross training, you can certainly cut back some on the running. Have fun! I've got the next two weekends for races so this was my down week.
This is so what I'm gonna do next weekend - sleep in, coffee, papers (blogs! I'm with you, girlfriend) and all in all a relaxing time. The autumn picture is beautiful. Look at those colours!
I love sleeping in more than just about anything!
You should buy stock in Saucony
On the wagon? I saw it go pass me but didn't notice anyone I knew. Ha
so glad you have sipped from the cup of kool aid called triathlon...
now its time to take a big gulp and go full speed ahead...haha
runners world this month..great piece on the greening of running shoes and on what to do with the old ones.
Ahhh perfect weekend. I love reading blogs instead of the paper it's more fun! LOL!
I am not a real triathlete so no way I can tell you how to train. It looks like a 2x balanced schedule which is great but a day of rest is needed in there somewhere. That is from this non triathlete's view. hehehe
I have the same amount of shoes! I must have 7 pairs on my front porch, some for cutting the lawn, some for walking in the woods when it's muddy, some need to be donated too!
You should try some early AM work outs too, they just make my day.
Jealous of your wekeend off! And good luck on your next season of triathlons.. Major props to you!
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