oh wait, that wasn't me.... that must have been Cher!!!

There are many, many more of you that I just love reading and "stalking", but some of you have already received this most prestigious award....
I would truly miss all of you!!!
How would I get by without a daily does of Marcy? I mean this woman has taught me about trashtastic talk, the Kardashian's, hell, she has even enlightened me to the ways of blog polls.
So, no, you're not going to get rid of me that easy, I'll still be blogging along with the best of you!!
Thanks again for the award!!! My gosh, I'm honoured!
Life's fun if you don't weaken!!
We will be cheering for you Alan (bib #21133), run strong, run safe and have the race of your life.....
Life's fun if you don't weaken!
** updates as they happen.....
Alan Rushforth, age 75 ~ finished: 5:15:29 ~ Congratulations Alan !!!
** Marathon Dude Bill ~ Bill Carter finished: 2:59:10 ~ Congratulations Bill !!!
** Nitmos ~ Michael Barr finished: 3:59:03 ~ Congratulations Mike !!!
The run itself was not too bad, considering....then we turned to finish the last 5K and I ran into my nemesis...the wind...I really started to lag behind, I was huffing and puffing like an old freight train, my mind was fried. Rick the dear that he is dropped back to run with me....thanks Rick!!!
Positive : ) We did it!!!
We still have a lot of miles in front of us before the actual marathon including another 32K, but with that one down, the next one may be a little easier!!
Tonight is our clinic night and a 7K tempo. I'm still not feeling great from the flu, but I feel amazingly great from the run....go figure....
That's it in a nutshell!!!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Okay now we are getting into the uncomfortable running zone...
Either you are part of Bay Watch or a Pam Anderson wannabe, you definitely do NOT run if you're built like this!!!
Life's fun if you don't weaken, enjoy your journey on step (bounce) at a time,
Life's fun if you don't weaken
This is where the machine found that my body is catastrophic and I need to lose 20 lbs.
Let me explain.
Technically all of the above should either align on the bar graph OR your Lean Body Mass should exceed the other two. That is your ultimate goal....however, my Lean Body Mass was less than the other two. In essence creating a " C " (catastrophic) shape when you connect the graph bars....
Body Water Balance= Total Body Water
I wasn't too bad here.
Obesity DiagnosisOn a side note, after the race we got totally lost heading back to our hotel, after many miles, many "Fbombs" on my behalf and many missed turns we made it....
So, there you go, rather like a version of War and Peace, but none the less, we will go back next year and enjoy it all over again!!
Life's fun if you don't weaken!!!
Enjoy your journey one step at a time......