Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Tough It Out Tuesday

Maybe some GYM time is in order!

You know the scenario, you get all charged up and join the local gym, lay your money down with the great promise to ones self that I’m going to use this new facility and all its shiny new equipment.

So, when was the last time you were actually there?

Be honest.....

Last week?


I’ve been dragging my gym bag around with me for a week, it has more miles on it than my running shoes!
The whole purpose of joining the gym was to be able to get my mileage in while the Winter Weather storms around me.....but then I talk myself out of going, because.....the roads will be too bad to travel on later on and in the dark, yikes, talk about self sabotage!

I’m the QUEEN!

So my theory for joining the gym was for core work and strength training, ahhhuh, isn’t it common knowledge that the stronger the core the better the runner....most injuries are caused by muscle imbalance.....
so why is it so hard to get my soft core to the gym?

Sometimes I find it easier to pound pavement than to go a 1/4 of a kilometre to the gym.....yikes, give my head a shake.....therefore, after hearing the weather report for today, freezing rain or ice pellets and now a Flash Freeze warning! Do I want to run in this?

I've gone to "work-out"......


Anonymous said...

How was your workout, girl? I hope it went well.

I am totally loving your blog! I am so happy you have joined the blogging world.

~ blondie

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the kind words Blondie, you and T were my inspiration, that's for sure!!!

Great workout, felt great not to freeze, next time I'm hitting the sauna!

*hugs back to you*

Rudy said...

did someone say sauna? ;-)

Anonymous said...

yeah.. I KNOW all about the gym joining thing... Wlecome to my world of non charitable charitable donations.

I mean at Curves they at least all you if they don't see you for a few weeks... has anyone called me from the fancy gym to get me back? nooooooo so I have been scoping out treadmills...