Thursday, 31 January 2008
Friday's Feast
When was the last time you received a surprise in the mail, and what was it?
If you could have a summer and/or winter home, where would you want it to be?
Pick one: pineapple, orange, banana, apple, cherry.
Main Course
Describe the nicest piece of clothing that you own.
If you could forget one whole day from your life, which day would you choose to wipe from your memory?
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Thirteen on Thursday
1. Hot Chilli Socks TM
2. Helie Hanson long underwear
3. Medium weight running pants (with reflective areas)
4. Layered wicking tops
5. Wind vest
6. Winter weight running jacket
7. Neck cowl
8. Headband
9. Toques & mittens (warmer than wearing gloves)
10. Optional scarf
11. Running belt worn under your jacket to keep your sports drink from freezing
12. Check direction of wind, run a shorter route
13. Ten minute rule, if you’re not warmed up after ten minutes of running, head home.
Life's fun if you don't weaken, enjoy your journey, one step at a time!
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
Tough It Out Tuesday
You know the scenario, you get all charged up and join the local gym, lay your money down with the great promise to ones self that I’m going to use this new facility and all its shiny new equipment.
So, when was the last time you were actually there?
Be honest.....
Last week?

I’ve been dragging my gym bag around with me for a week, it has more miles on it than my running shoes!

The whole purpose of joining the gym was to be able to get my mileage in while the Winter Weather storms around me.....but then I talk myself out of going, because.....the roads will be too bad to travel on later on and in the dark, yikes, talk about self sabotage!

I’m the QUEEN!
So my theory for joining the gym was for core work and strength training, ahhhuh, isn’t it common knowledge that the stronger the core the better the runner....most injuries are caused by muscle imbalance.....
so why is it so hard to get my soft core to the gym?
Sometimes I find it easier to pound pavement than to go a 1/4 of a kilometre to the gym.....yikes, give my head a shake.....therefore, after hearing the weather report for today, freezing rain or ice pellets and now a Flash Freeze warning! Do I want to run in this?

I've gone to "work-out"......
Sunday, 27 January 2008
Well, to answer that question is to answer the wind. I’ve been involved with so many competitive sports in my life both professionally and as an amateur, that by the time I’ve hit this age and stage of life, I just don’t want to compete any more.
So honestly, I run for fun.
Fun; [noun]; activities that are enjoyable or amusing. “I do it for the fun of it”.
I’ve come to the conclusion that there are two choices in life,
a) get old, sit on the couch and wait it out,
b) get old, get off the couch and make it happen.....
My life has been interesting to say the least.
I know there are many, many other things to do with ones life, but for now, running fills the void...
Enjoy your life, enjoy the journey one step at a time,
Life’s fun if you don’t weaken!
10K Sunday
Sunday’s run ended up being way more fun than I had originally thought it was going to be. One of my WOOOO HOOOO girlfriends who I’ve been running with for years, joined me for our 10K Around the Bay.
The day started off cold and overcast with Charlie Brown snowflakes falling. Little to no wind was evident, we always check the wind direction before heading out. It always determines my run route, we always start into the wind while energising for the longer run. It is easier to run into the wind at the beginning of a long run and finish up with the wind to my back.
GeeZen was here right on time, as always....a practice I really appreciate, then off we went. Today was an easy, restful, chatty (as always) run, no predetermined finish time using the 10 : 1 theory. The idea behind 10 : 1's for the longer distances helps to keep your body rested, allows for time to re-hydrate and helps prevent injury.
What is you ask? Well, you run for 10 minutes and walk for one. This is something you build up to as you build up your longer distance running abilities. You can use this any way you’d like, for example, when learning to run, you can walk one minute, run one minute....then build up to the 10 : 1 over a period of time, just makes good sense.
My good friend Marie asked, no, suggested, taking photo’s along the way, great idea M!! I had my camera strapped to my running belt, along with my bottle of Poweraide, Sharkies and I.D. (You should always run with I.D., just in case). I felt a little like a pack horse, but love the idea of photo’s. Not every run will accompanying photo’s, but I’ll try to keep up this new tradition while training for the Marathon.

We started off past our Catholic Church just before the first service of the day. (this photo is for Rudy)
There are many faces to this small hamlet. You will find humble cottages from the early days,
I have to confess, GeeZen took most of the photo’s today, I run with my contact lens’ in and they are for distances....needless to say, some pic’s we taken with a wing and a prayer!
The run was nice and slow and really fun, we chatter away about everything and anything and sometimes about things in our personal lives that we know will go no further.....what’s said on the road, stays on the road, rather like a snow or mud rut!
We were really enjoying the "new" sights during the 10K bay run, we really took more notice of our fabulous running route while looking for interesting photo shots for Marie. It’s funny what we just take for granted, it’s nice to run the same route as if you were a tourist.
Where we were running is a peninsula jutting out into the Ottawa River, three sides surrounded by water! Makes for wonderful scenery, but it also makes for rapid changes in the weather and wind conditions. Our last leg of our run was straight into the wind that was picking up. Brrrrrr, luckily we are both experienced winter runners, so thankfully we had "layered" up enough to buffer the winter wind.
Back to our run:
All in all it was a wonderful run with a great friend, Thanks for joining me GeeZen! Thanks for the great photo idea Marie!
Live life large, enjoy the journey, every step of the way!
Life’s fun it you don’t weaken!
Saturday, 26 January 2008
Saturday 6K
This is the question I’ve been getting a lot lately. That’s okay, it keeps me focussed. Training officially starts February 5th, but until then I’m still running, keeping the longer distances going with a long slow run.
Today was crisp, clear and cold. There was a lot of activity outside, the sun was shining making the day seem warmer than it really was. Our little community was busy with snowmobilers zooming along the snowmobile trails, cross country skiers out on their designated trails and finally ice fishing has begun. The really cold weather the past week has helped with the outdoor sports.
Even part of the World’s Largest Outdoor Skating Rink is now partially opened.....
Ottawa’s Rideau canal
After having taken most of the week off of running, today was a nice easy slow 6k route. Running along the road near the river gave me a fantastic view of the Gatineau Hills covered with a dusting of snow. I headed down our community centre road past the playground where the children were shrieking with laughter while playing on the swings and some kids were building snow men. So many people were out walking today, walking and talking, walking with their family dogs, it was just a gorgeous day.
Even the winter birds that stay with us for this cold season seemed to be more active today. The chickadees were calling from the forest and a pileated woodpecker flew by on his way into the bush.
What a great day to be outside (did I just say that). On winter days like today I can actually say I don’t mind being out in the sun!
So that was my run for today, nice and slow, lots to see and hear, everything felt right and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Tomorrow, 10K...............
Enjoy your day, life's fun if you don' weaken!
Enjoy life’s journey, one step at a time.
Thursday, 24 January 2008
Friday Feast
Name 2 things you would like to accomplish in 2008.
With which cartoon character do you share personality traits?
What time of day (or night) were you born?
Main Course
Tell us something special about your hometown.
If you could receive a letter from anyone in the world, who would you want to get one from?
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
3. They have to be specific....
4. 2008 goals? Let’s hear them!
5. Get off the couch in the winter time and try to enjoy it, huhuh
7. Run my first Marathon in May 2008.
8. Finish upright and smiling!
9. Run my second annual Utica 15K Boilermaker with my Wooo Hooo girlfriends in July 2008.
10. Run the Virginia Beach Half Marathon in August 2008 with friends new and my not so new friends.
11. Receive my “Heavy Medal” medal upon completion of Virginia Beach Half Marathon.
12. Do more volunteering, I don’t do enough.
13. Stop writing and get out running.............
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
It's snowing and looking very wintery....but much nicer than yesterday, -20C. brrrr .....
I believe I've now "fixed" the email situation, thanks for your patience....ahhh a learning curve.
With all the snow and slippery streets I decided to download my training schedule for my Marathon in May. Nothing like dreaming about warmer weather...
Training officially begins February 5th, 2008. Although this week I'll be running a total of 38K.
Well, must dash.
Life life large, enjoy the journey, one step at a time.
Monday, 21 January 2008
Phoenix - We Rocked!

All 30,000+ runner's, walkers and teams in training. Awesome!
Saturday morning was spent in the most incredible running sports expo I've ever been to. There were so many things to see, touch, taste, try on and of course, purchase it took over four hours just to make our way through. It is a MUST SEE! Then off to Uno's for our pre race brunch. It was so nice to be able to sit outside in the sunshine and warmth, having our lunch watching the shoppers stroll by. The rest of my afternoon was spent in the hotel pool and hot tub.
There are some "not so nice" spots too. But why spend time on a very, small area, that the general public wouldn't really see anyway.
Sunday Morning : Race Day.
Our limo driver picked us up at 7:15 am. Early, yes, but by the time we got to the start corrals, the place was filling up quickly. We arrived just in time to see the Marathon Runners leaving from Corral # 1.
With a couple of "pit stops" out of the way, we headed for Corral # 18, for those of you unfamiliar with what these corrals are, well they are designated to you in reference with what you anticipate your race time to be. Since I am no speed demon, I was in Corral # 18 with the hopes of completing the race in 2:30.
And so began our shuffle to the start line! All in all it took 33 minutes from our corral position to the start line! With much cheering, whooping and hollering off we went! There were soooo many things to see along the way, my estimated time kept getting changed! We stopped to dance with the Phoenix Sun Devil's mascot,
stopped to take pictures of some really good looking motorcycle police officers.
We even stopped to talk with the cheerleaders all decked out in their Santa Claus outfits!

There goes our estimated time of arrival....hahaha......
2 hours and 42 minutes got us over the finish line! Considering all we did and saw along the route, my race time was not an issue, I laughed, cheered, waved and wooo hooo'd my way through Scottsdale, Phoenix and Tempe.....could it get any better than that.
Well, yes it could.
I meet some incredible people, with their own stories to tell, I ran with some brand new running friends, who I'm sure I'll be running with for a long time to come. And I found a location that I'll return to next year. (With a holiday attached to it).
Live life large, enjoy the journey, one step at a time!
Life is fun if you don't weaken,
Enjoy it,
A New Year!
New Year's Eve was spent running a 10K race in beautiful downtown Ottawa. It was a crisp, clear, cold night. Downtown was twinkling with Christmas lights, garlands and wreaths.
Ottawa was celebrating its 200th year as Canada's Capital City with much activity on Parliament Hill and along the canal. Fireworks illuminated the was spectacular to run along the canal, with friends, new and old, while watching the evening sky light up with colours and sounds. This was a wonderful time to let go of the past and look forward to the future.
All along the canal the houses were showing off their Christmas decorations, while inside people were preparing to ring in the New Year.
After our run, we headed back to our hotel room to check on our pot luck meals that were heating up and to make sure our Champagne was chilling! Woo Hoo....
A quick jaunt to the hot tub and sauna, then back to our room for cocktails and a long awaited meal. Yummm!
This will be the most serious of my future me, I'm not usually this single minded.
Bear with me while I work my way through my first blog and my training for my first marathon.
Enjoy the future! One step at a time,