My home computer is on the fritz, so I am only able to post while I'm at work and this is a very busy time of year for us. Hence the lack of communication. I'll try to post when I can.
Last weekend I attended a second orienteering event, albeit it was not quite as wild and woolly as the weekend before, it was still a really great workout. Just imagine yourself thrashing your way through thick bush, over hills and through streams in the name of fun....I just get crazier as I get older.
As mentioned it has been extremely busy at work, so some of my work-outs have gone by the wayside. I've been told that you will feel much better after your work-out even if you are really tired before you start it...well, NO, not in my case, I'm just plain tired, that's that. So, I'm becoming more of a weekend warrior than I want to be. Maybe once we get a bit more snow on the ground I'll be able to resume my after work cross country skiing, which in turn will invigorate can only hope.
This weekend I am attending a "bra & panties" party. It is being hosted by a neighbour and we bring new "undies" which in turn will be delivered to a Woman's Shelter in our region.
For those of you who know me, the issues of Women's Rights and shelter's that bring protection and asylum for those women who leave their homes with absolutely nothing so they can find protection for not only themselves but for that of their children is is very, very, VERY important to me. Abuse against women and children is not only a global issue, it can be happening right under your nose and on your block, in your neighbourhood, to someone you know from your church, it could be happening to you. Speak up and don't be ashamed. You didn't "ask for it", you "don't deserve it" and certainly it should be stopped. Clean clothing, clean underwear and a clean place of refuge is the least that can be offered. I've actually stipulated in my will, once I die, that people should send charitable donations to women's shelter's in their area....
Whew, I get a little heated about this topic....
Anyway, I'm also attending a season wrap up party with a group of friends with whom I've had the opportunity at some point during the racing schedule to either run with, cycle with, volunteer with, well you get the picture. It'll really be fun to catch up and hear all about their Iron Adventures from Clearwater, Phoenix and beyond...
Have you begun your list for 2011????
Hope everyone south of the Border enjoyed their Thanksgiving with family and friends and that you are surviving your "Black Friday"....
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Friday, 26 November 2010
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Another 10
We have been experiencing unbelievably stellar weather!!! WOW, what a great weekend to be outside and no, I don't mean raking leaves.
Saturday was spent on the Trek!! Who knew that our weather would allow me to be able to cycle from the beginning of March right through to the middle of November. I even had bike shorts on!! We cycled from the Kanata Town Centre along the bike paths to Britannia Beach. It is about a nice 45 minute easy cycle along the pathways through scenic woodland to the Ottawa River. We cycled in behind the National Capital Equestrian Centre and noticed a lot of activity going on, since we were just cruising we biked over to see what was going on....It was one of Eastern Ontario's cyclocross Ride with Rendall Hammer and Anvil Events, a two day event. How freaking exciting to finally get to see a CX in action! Wow, you guys who ride CX are awesome!
Sunday was another great day and I did something I've never, ever done in my life. I went orienteering! The Ottawa Orienteering Club was holding and event in the Gatineau's at the Mackenzie King Estates. What an absolute riot!
I met with friends Treena and Vlad and headed over to Quebec. The OOC had already set up and were getting individuals and teams on their way.
(the following is copied from the OCC, written by Rich Wendling).
OMG, we were over hill, through dale and even beaver ponds, at one point we were faced with a huge ravine that we climbed (slid) down, forged the stream and climbed up the other side, then ran a couple of km or so to the finish line!! It was just such a rush! We ended up 8th in our division with a time of one hour and 18 minutes, if Treena hadn't been pulling me along, I'm certain she would have been in the top three or four! Hot apple cider, power bars, cookies and apples were waiting for us at the finish line...what a great time.
Once we tidied up a little we headed into Chelsea to a sweet little restaurant called Le Resto, it has a fabulous ambiance, even better food and they didn't seem to mind that we were a tad filthy.
All in all, I'd rate this past weekend a definite 10!!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Saturday was spent on the Trek!! Who knew that our weather would allow me to be able to cycle from the beginning of March right through to the middle of November. I even had bike shorts on!! We cycled from the Kanata Town Centre along the bike paths to Britannia Beach. It is about a nice 45 minute easy cycle along the pathways through scenic woodland to the Ottawa River. We cycled in behind the National Capital Equestrian Centre and noticed a lot of activity going on, since we were just cruising we biked over to see what was going on....It was one of Eastern Ontario's cyclocross Ride with Rendall Hammer and Anvil Events, a two day event. How freaking exciting to finally get to see a CX in action! Wow, you guys who ride CX are awesome!
Sunday was another great day and I did something I've never, ever done in my life. I went orienteering! The Ottawa Orienteering Club was holding and event in the Gatineau's at the Mackenzie King Estates. What an absolute riot!
I met with friends Treena and Vlad and headed over to Quebec. The OOC had already set up and were getting individuals and teams on their way.
(the following is copied from the OCC, written by Rich Wendling).
A standard orienteering course consists of a start, a series of control markers, and a finish. Each participant is provided with a map, a control card, and a clue sheet. A control card is used to note the start and finish times, and to verify that the orienteer has visited each of the control markers on the course. The map is used to mark the start and finish locations, as well as the locations of each of the control markers.

Sometimes the maps are pre-marked, but other times the orienteer is required to copy the locations from a master map. The clue sheet has clues describing the placement of each of the control markers - the type of geographical feature at which the marker has been placed - and a "control code" which identifies the marker. Usually, the start times are staggered in order to reduce the tendency to follow other participants.
Once the course has been begun, each orienteer uses the map to navigate sequentially from control marker to control marker. Each control marker has an identifying control code and a "punch" that the orienteer uses to mark the control card. Different punches make different patterns on the card, thereby verifying that each control marker has been visited.
At the finish, the time is noted on the control card. Meet officials then verify that the correct punches are on the card, and calculate the elapsed time.
OMG, we were over hill, through dale and even beaver ponds, at one point we were faced with a huge ravine that we climbed (slid) down, forged the stream and climbed up the other side, then ran a couple of km or so to the finish line!! It was just such a rush! We ended up 8th in our division with a time of one hour and 18 minutes, if Treena hadn't been pulling me along, I'm certain she would have been in the top three or four! Hot apple cider, power bars, cookies and apples were waiting for us at the finish line...what a great time.
Once we tidied up a little we headed into Chelsea to a sweet little restaurant called Le Resto, it has a fabulous ambiance, even better food and they didn't seem to mind that we were a tad filthy.
All in all, I'd rate this past weekend a definite 10!!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
another 10,
biking in November,
Friday, 12 November 2010
is it just me...
I've joined a 10K run clinic with two little fun runs as the target of my winter running madness. The Resolution Run on New Year's Eve and the Richmond Road Race in mid January. Both races are a ton of fun and no they aren't chipped, but who cares, I'm all about having a lot of fun. Since the real winter running season is hiding just around the corner, I decided to spiff up my clothing collection. After all, winter running pants can only last so long before they are able to run a race on their own...if you get my drift. Marlene mentioned that she was enamoured with a running pant from Lululemon, and yes, they are very cute, however, my old lady thighs and expanding abdomen just couldn't get use to the fact that the waistline is lower than what I'm use too and yes, I tend to yank my running pants up around my waist like Erkel, from the T.V. show, Family Matters. So I purchased a pair of Sugoi, MidZero Zap Tights. Hopefully these will take me up to at least January before I have to break down and get some SubZero Zap tights.
So, back to is it just me? Do any of you, when running with a group, make sure that no one is struggling or falling behind? On clinic night I started my run and was tooling along at my usual clip...when I caught up with a couple of the runner's who had left before me. I asked if they were okay and comfortable with their running pace, (like why would I even ask this?) anyway, later into the run I look behind me (it is now very dark out) and I can't see them...literally, I can't see them, not one of this little group of new runner's had any reflective running wear on. Me, I'm lit up like a Christmas Tree, so I stopped and waited until they caught up, not only were they struggling with the distance (6k), they were having difficulty figuring out a proper pace for themselves. Where was their group leader??
Well, I'm just so happy that they are out and running and really put in an effort to "just do it", I staid with them, set a comfortable pace and answered any and all of their questions about running. When we finished the run, we one had ever high-fived them before...they were just so excited! Isn't it interesting the habits we get into when we run with the same group over and over again, it is just second nature for my running group to keep an eye on one another, encourage each other and wait for anyone who is lagging behind. Training runs are just that, training, not a race.
However, oh yes, I just can't end it there...I emailed the clinic instructor with what had happened and I think I've stirred the pot....heck, I'm not even a pace leader this session and really why am I like the proverbial mother hen???
Is it just me....or when you run with a group do you look after one another???
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Lest We Forget
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1920 - And Still Going Strong! |
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place: and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead: Short days ago,
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved: and now we lie
In Flanders fields!
Take up our quarrel with the foe
To you, from failing hands, we throw The torch:
be yours to hold it highIf ye break faith with us who die,
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Composed at the battlefront on May 3, 1915, during the second battle of Ypres, Belgium
By Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place: and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead: Short days ago,
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved: and now we lie
In Flanders fields!
Take up our quarrel with the foe
To you, from failing hands, we throw The torch:
be yours to hold it highIf ye break faith with us who die,
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Composed at the battlefront on May 3, 1915, during the second battle of Ypres, Belgium
By Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Monday, 8 November 2010
Back in the groove
Well, what a weekend. I'm back...
Saturday was busy enough, but I still managed to get a nice 10K walk done. Felt really good with no extra aches nor pains. Bring it on Sunday!
I'm registered...yes, even though it is only for a 10K clinic, it's all good! I ran a nice 10K with some of my friends from the Running Room along the Trans Canada Trail from Kanata to the eastern edge of Stittsville and it Felt GREAT! Tonight is clinic night...I'm actually looking forward to it, even in the dark and cold.
After the run on Sunday the group I ran with all scampered home to tidy up and regroup...yes it was going to be "the girls" afternoon at the Wine and Food Show at Landsdowne Park in Ottawa.
Talk about an absolute hoot and if you love people watching you'd be in heaven. I know I was! Obviously stiletto high heels and patterned stockings are all the rage as well as short, short skirts. (I have belts that are wider than some of the skirts I saw on the young newbies with legs up to their ears!). We all had a great time wandering around sampling wine and food. I even had a very cute man wander over to me with an oyster on a half shell. Too funny! I slurped it down and gave him a hug and asked him if I looked like I needed help!! Once the show was over for the day and for the year, we went off to the Taj Mahal Restaurant for dinner and more laughter.
Overall, I'd rate this weekend as a 10.
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Saturday was busy enough, but I still managed to get a nice 10K walk done. Felt really good with no extra aches nor pains. Bring it on Sunday!
I'm registered...yes, even though it is only for a 10K clinic, it's all good! I ran a nice 10K with some of my friends from the Running Room along the Trans Canada Trail from Kanata to the eastern edge of Stittsville and it Felt GREAT! Tonight is clinic night...I'm actually looking forward to it, even in the dark and cold.
After the run on Sunday the group I ran with all scampered home to tidy up and regroup...yes it was going to be "the girls" afternoon at the Wine and Food Show at Landsdowne Park in Ottawa.
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Cheers! |
Overall, I'd rate this weekend as a 10.
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
10K clinic,
had a great weekend,
wine and food show
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Who forgot to change their clocks?
not me, in fact I had changed them and before I went to be I changed them again!!
Anyway, I'm up and eating porridge, yes, you've guessed it, I'm back to running on Sunday's with the gang at the Running Room. Just the 10K clinic, but it will be the support and encouragement I need for now. Now I just need to find all my winter running gear.
My plan for the winter month's will be to continue to run, but no great distances just yet, do a lot of cross country skiing and go to the pool on Saturday afternoons. Because of my work schedule and money constraints this year due to having to put in a new well, fix the house, get a new gas fireplace, brakes for the car....yes, you get the idea, I'm swimming will only be during the adult swim on Saturday's. Next weekend I'm going orienteering in the Gatineau's with a good friend of mine...what a riot, I'll let you know how it goes.
I'd better get a move on to get into town on time, then we are off the Wine and Food Show for the where are my winter running pants???
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Anyway, I'm up and eating porridge, yes, you've guessed it, I'm back to running on Sunday's with the gang at the Running Room. Just the 10K clinic, but it will be the support and encouragement I need for now. Now I just need to find all my winter running gear.
My plan for the winter month's will be to continue to run, but no great distances just yet, do a lot of cross country skiing and go to the pool on Saturday afternoons. Because of my work schedule and money constraints this year due to having to put in a new well, fix the house, get a new gas fireplace, brakes for the car....yes, you get the idea, I'm swimming will only be during the adult swim on Saturday's. Next weekend I'm going orienteering in the Gatineau's with a good friend of mine...what a riot, I'll let you know how it goes.
I'd better get a move on to get into town on time, then we are off the Wine and Food Show for the where are my winter running pants???
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
time change,
wine and food show,
winter running
Friday, 5 November 2010
Ottawa, the city fun forgot...
I've never been overly enamoured with Ottawa and yes I've tried, after all I've lived here for 20 years. Yes, it is pretty, it is scenic and it is full of outdoor parks and areas of recreation. It is also full of boring, stuffy politics's and politician's who bleed our system and generally only look out for their own welfare.
The thought of stopping my blog had crossed my mind while I took my bloggy sabbatical, but I just would miss all of you too much. You have inspired me, certainly you have enlightened me with all you do and you have introduced me to sports which I would have never, ever known about.
Cyclo-cross for one. Between Judi and Blue, they introduced me to a sport that looks like such a blast, I'd consider doing it. This summer, while volunteering at the Canada Day Race I met a woman who is involved with Cyclo-cross here in the Ottawa area. I had mentioned that if they ever needed volunteer's to let me know. Well, I haven't heard from them, but ran across this wonder I haven't heard from them yet...they have enough on their plate.
City pulls bike racing permits after park damaged
Yup, Ottawa, the city fun forgot....
Life's fun if you don't weaken
ps. I'll try to touch base with them to volunteer, who knows, maybe even try it!
The thought of stopping my blog had crossed my mind while I took my bloggy sabbatical, but I just would miss all of you too much. You have inspired me, certainly you have enlightened me with all you do and you have introduced me to sports which I would have never, ever known about.
Cyclo-cross for one. Between Judi and Blue, they introduced me to a sport that looks like such a blast, I'd consider doing it. This summer, while volunteering at the Canada Day Race I met a woman who is involved with Cyclo-cross here in the Ottawa area. I had mentioned that if they ever needed volunteer's to let me know. Well, I haven't heard from them, but ran across this wonder I haven't heard from them yet...they have enough on their plate.
City pulls bike racing permits after park damaged
Yup, Ottawa, the city fun forgot....
Life's fun if you don't weaken
ps. I'll try to touch base with them to volunteer, who knows, maybe even try it!
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Finally put into words...
I've been having some motivational issues lately, not only in the running department, but in life in general, again this is contributed to my sensitivity to the dwindling day-light hours, I've been working very hard on it and finally with the help of Vitamin D, B12, copious amounts of Vitamin C along with Calcium and Magnesium, I know I'm going to make it!! Thanks everyone for your kind, informative, caring and motivational emails, I truly appreciate them.
So, nuff said, I'm back running! Yes, despite the periformis and S.I. joint issues I'm getting the kicks out of the box and onto my feet. I found that you can only beat yourself up for so long and after reading this article from , I've come to conclusion that it's great to be ME!! I don't have to go out and bust a lung every time I run, I don't have to go out and run till the sun sets, I can go out and run and actually have some fun!! Hey, isn't that what it's all about?? For me, right now, it is.
I'm joining the 10K clinic at our local Running Room and I'll take the attitude of gratitude that I'm able to "just do it". It will be fun to see new runner's training for their first 10K run and it (I'm sure of it), will ground me from my lofty "I'm a marathoner" demeanour, and who by the way made me think I'm better than any one else, hmmmmmmm? (well, for those who truly know me, I'm not like that in the least, but a good slap of reality never hurts).
Between the up-coming time change and bright winter days full of cross-country skiing, skating on the canal with wonderful friends, I just know my winter will be okay this never know, I might just meet that special someone too!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
(it's good to be back)
So, nuff said, I'm back running! Yes, despite the periformis and S.I. joint issues I'm getting the kicks out of the box and onto my feet. I found that you can only beat yourself up for so long and after reading this article from , I've come to conclusion that it's great to be ME!! I don't have to go out and bust a lung every time I run, I don't have to go out and run till the sun sets, I can go out and run and actually have some fun!! Hey, isn't that what it's all about?? For me, right now, it is.
I'm joining the 10K clinic at our local Running Room and I'll take the attitude of gratitude that I'm able to "just do it". It will be fun to see new runner's training for their first 10K run and it (I'm sure of it), will ground me from my lofty "I'm a marathoner" demeanour, and who by the way made me think I'm better than any one else, hmmmmmmm? (well, for those who truly know me, I'm not like that in the least, but a good slap of reality never hurts).
Between the up-coming time change and bright winter days full of cross-country skiing, skating on the canal with wonderful friends, I just know my winter will be okay this never know, I might just meet that special someone too!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
(it's good to be back)
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