Monday 18 May 2009

Hallelujah, Halleluyah, or Alleluia

Doesn't matter what way you spell it or say it, after waiting patiently since 5:50 am this morning, Monday, May 18th, my house is rodent FREEEEEEE!!!!

Yesterday was very cold and very windy here in the Great White North, so it was spent indoors doing housework, laundry, catching up on the show The Tudors and chasing the chipmunk up stairs and down.  At one point I had it right to the back patio door, but a feline, who shall remain nameless intervened.  

This morning at 5:45, the cat who shall remain nameless leaped off the bed and the chase ensued once again, however, this time the chipmunk remained upstairs but well ensconced somewhere in my unfinished kitchen.  Gah.   Said cat was locked in the bedroom, I made coffee, laid a trail of sunflower seeds to the back door, opened said door and waited and waited, caught up on blogs, Facebook, Twitter and waited.   

Finally, a stirring, finally a face, finally it came out into the kitchen area and finally found some seeds.  But alas, it filled its little face and headed back to its hidey hole.  I waited.

About a half hour later it made its way back out.  I sat motionless and prayed for it to go to the sunflower seeds that I had moved to the door sill.  YES!  It sat on the door sill for some time, looking out and blinking its little eyes at the bright sunshine and then scampered out onto the deck to freedom.  

Hallelujah, Halleluyah, or Alleluia

Now I can resume my weekend and get outdoors even though it is still cold.  I've got to tidy up before the onslaught of my fathers annual pilgrimage.  Since he is a get up and go kind of guy I have to make sure that I get the majority of yard work done before he arrives.  Little does he know how much work goes into preparing for his visits.   I'm heading out to rake the oak leaves, mow the yard, weed the gardens and yet leave enough for him to do when he is here, because he loves to help out!

Oh, my neighbour and friend Jim just stopped by because he read on Facebook I was looking for a humane trap, how cool is that.  Thanks Jim, but you're a half hour too late!

Well there you go, just an average long weekend in the life of a single country girl....

Life's fun if you don't weaken,



Carly said...

Wooo Hooo! Now you can rest easy....that would freak me out. I need to call you the next time I find a mouse in the house.

tfh said...

That is QUITE the adventure. Terrific ingenuity and patience with the sunflower seeds. Glad Chippie is free and no longer roaming the house!

Anonymous said...

WHAT? no pictures of said chipmunk any where? I am disappointed. Without the proof this is a tale......

Have a good rest of the weekend.
I am brunching and then yard work myself.

Nat said...

Free at last!

I'm not sure I'd have slept with knowing it was in the house... love the plan.

Wes said...

{sniff, sniff} We'll miss him...

Jo Lynn said...

I'll bet he's happier too. ;)

Vickie said...

Glad you finally got the pest out of your house! And its been too darn cold and windy here for my liking, and I'm not even as far north as you!

Kim said...

Ohhhh YAY!

Mel-2nd Chances said...

can't believe it was in your house that long! I wouldn't have slept! LOL

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you were able to evict your varment.

Jess said...

Glad your house is now chipmunck free!

Unknown said...

Oh poor little Alvin the Chipmunk.. hope he finds another home to move in.

teacherwoman said...

Yay! Glad you got rid of that pesky rodent!

Aka Alice said...

You are a lovely person who is, no doubt, going to heaven for wanting to use no violent means to rid your house of the rodent. I, on the other hand, would have swatted at it (fruitlessly) with a broomstick if I thought it would work.

Love that you called him/her/it "Chippie"

Mary Gee said...

Oy. I have no love for rodents of any ilk. Congrats on getting rid of yours.

Runner Leana said...

Yay, so glad your house is now chipmunk free!! I hope you had a terrific long weekend!

And yes, I am indeed a Gemini!

Unknown said...

What an adventure. Good thing the little critter finally decided freedom was better than the comfort of your home...

Marlene said...

Oh my gosh, what an adventure with the little chippy! Glad to hear you tricked him out of the house.

Have a great visit with your Dad!