Tuesday, 28 February 2012

snowy weekend! part one

view from my front window

We finally got winter! Well, for a day or so at least. It was a very slow, WINDY, snowy drive home on Friday after work and I wasn't sure whether or not I'd have any power (hydro) at the house. I live in a rural area and often if there are high winds, it knocks out our electricity, but luckily it stayed on so no problems there! Some of my friends had made plans to meet up for a cross country ski for Saturday morning(weather permitting) and of course it was a GO! It was my turn to drive to meet them, so off I went through some near white-out conditions but made it to the meeting spot safely.  The trails had been freshly groomed and were pristine.  It was the best cross-county ski I've ever experienced.  It was Fantastic!!!

which way to go?
After going for brunch I drove over to visit with my dad.  He has been having some very good days lately, so I want to be able to share those for as long as I can, because I know soon enough he will continue along his journey further into memory loss.  We had a really fun visit, phoned a few of his friends and he chatted merrily away with them.  It was all I could do to keep from crying, but I didn't.  Finally it was time for me to pack up and head home (remember I was still in my skiwear which was layers of long underwear, and if you've ever been to a seniors residence you know the temperature is kept at "boiling hot").  When we got downstairs to the Atrium a group of residents were enjoying musical tunes from the piano.  An entertainer was there playing the "Oldies".   I was asked to dance by Lou one of the really fun ladies, so of course I said yes!!  Not soon after we shared a dance, she dropped me like a hot potato and she asked Dad to dance...I can't remember the last time I saw him dance...it certainly was a "moment".  (sorry the photo's are a bit blurry, but so were my eyes).

Cutting the rug

Young at heart
Life's fun if you don't weaken,


Thursday, 23 February 2012

Okay, I'm a lemming...Three Things Thursday

Following the pack is not always a good thing, your view is full of Arseholes, but other than that, I will attempt a three things Thursday concept.

  • Ontario is freaking out because there is a powerful snow storm set to hit our province.  People, it is winter, we live in Canada, get over it!  Of course the majority of the freak out is coming from Toronto, yes, the city who had to call in the military one year when they got an actual snowfall.  Marlene, bust out the yack tracks its coming to getcha!!!
  • On the fitness front, other than starting to get back to running, spinning on the bike trainer and doing some stretches that I try to pass off as yoga, not too much is going on.  Short distances, nothing epic, but at least it is a start.
  • Went out with the girl's last night to catch up on some long overdue chitchat.  Fully anticipating normal Ottawa Winter Weather we choose the Canal Ritz Restaurant, which overlooks the World's Longest Skateway.   Unfortunately we have been experiencing really mild unseasonal weather lately and the canal  has been closed for skating.  If you ever come to Ottawa, I would highly recommend this restaurant!  The food is exceptional and the ambiance ~ wonderful!!  Winter or summer, it is a fabulous place to spend some quality time!!

Life's fun if you don't weaken,


Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Bright days and a long weekend

Ontario hosted its bogus Family Day long weekend.  Luckily for me I took it off and spent the weekend doing really fun things!  It was a bright, cold weekend, but not the killer cold, sort of "cold spring temperatures".  Saturday morning I searched for and dusted off my Saucony's and ran a really nice 4k.  You know the kind of run where there is no pressure, no "pace time" to keep.  Just a nice run in the sunshine and enjoying the outdoors.  Saturday afternoon we headed up to the Provincial Park for some xc skiing.  The trails were a mixture of granular snow and ice.  The classic trails had not been groomed for some time so it was a little dodgy in spots, other areas were quite nice.

a not so bad portion of the trail

Sunday morning I headed into town to our local Running Room (as I'd been told that I had to start socialising again) and ran with some really nice ladies who are training for the May Ottawa Race Weekend Half Marathon (which is sold out).  I have to admit it was just so nice to just run for fun since I wasn't the one training for anything.   The rest of the day was spent visiting with Dad and having some great laughs with him, I'm learning to live in the moment and I've also learned you will NEVER win a discussion, argument nor anything else with a dementia patient, so you just smile, laugh, share, nod in agreement and realise that is the way their mind is working, so you tuck away your ego as there is no point trying to correct, chastise, nor disagree.

Holiday Monday ended up being another beautiful day, how lucky are we?  So after 40 minutes on the bike trainer, I could not stand being inside one more minute.  Off I went for another xc ski, only this time it was super icy and no groomed trails at all!

super duper slippery, not a track in sight
there is a chickadee on my camera
 Now that I'm learning to relax again and just do what I can do, life is settling into a routine that is manageable.  What remains to be seen is what I can sign up for!!

Life's fun if you don't weaken,


Sunday, 19 February 2012

Lighten up

When I opened up my blog this morning I realised just how dark and brooding it has become, so let's lighten this up!

Now that I'm feeling better, (although still feeling as though I'm breathing through gauze),  it is time to get back out onto the road, running that is!  Yesterday I had to find my Saucony's, find my winter running gear, dig out my Garmin and suit up.  It was a beautiful morning with bright sunshine, no wind and an almost bearable temperature.  In other words, it was the perfect morning to start back "on the road" with a little 4k.

my favourite road

running alone?  or being carried?

our community church

Morning sunrise

The afternoon was a great cross country ski!  The Weekend Warrior is back!!

Life's fun if you don't weaken,


Friday, 17 February 2012

what I'm learning

"You don't have to see the whole staircase at once, just the first step"

When you learn to live in the moment and embrace it with good humour, a calm attitude and enjoy the simplicity of it all, life begins to become a bit easier.

It is only the middle of February and the notices for up-coming events are already filling up my email in-box.  Being the proactive personalty that I am, I was almost making myself sick from anxiety of knowing just how out of shape I am and how will I ever get ready.

Reality check!

  • this year will be different from any previous year, I have major real life commitments and don't know what my time frame will be to deal with them.
  • I don't HAVE to participate in every event that crosses my path.  I can pick and choose and just do my best with the time frame I do have for getting back into some semblance of fitness.
  • enjoy, embrace, participate, but most of all appreciate the fact I can do what I can do.  (many women my age just don't bother, however, the many, many female friends I do have are involved with embracing life in a positive healthy fashion).
  • take the time to remember your friends who are ailing as the person(s) they were, not what they have become.  This is especially true with my Dad, I am learning with the help of the Alzheimer Society and Veteran Affairs Canada to remember that he has had a great life, he served his country as a decorated tank commander in World War II, he served his city as decorated civil servant (aka Staff Sargent of Detectives), he had many hobbies, wonderful friends who still remain in touch with him even though he is now many kilometres away, he was well respected within that far away community and now I get to enjoy every single moment I have to share with him as  his memory declines.

Sometimes you need to be a super star fitness freak, run a marathon, endure a Half Ironman, but sometimes you need to just sit, laugh, listen intently and learn how to have patience, compassion and most of all love for those who are making their way to ending their journey.

Life's fun if you don't weaken,


Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

VD and all that crap

Valentines Day.  What a Total Waste of Time.  Who needs to be guilted by the most commercialised, consumer driven propaganda marketing ploy day in the world.  Is the main goal of this day to make people feel that they need to go out and empty their pockets of money and buy something special just because they have been treating the people in their lives like crap for most of the year?  I'm not a big fan of this day (can you tell?).  Yes, call me jaded, but I don't see why one day should make any difference.  If you have people in your life that you love and respect, then show them you do for the 365 days (366 this year), you have in the year.

Now that I've vented I must admit that I feel better!

On the motivational front, I'm back on the bike trainer and doing some yoga followed by working with weights in the mornings.  Trying to get to the pool has been a chore due to some of the many things that need to be done getting my dad settled, but I will get to the pool one of these days.  As for running, well, let's hope that by this weekend I'll be able to get outdoors without feeling like I'm going to cough up a lung.  So, life is on an upswing!

I'll leave you with this little Valentine's Day Doodle from Google.  Now, when I find a boy who will skip with me, maybe my future VD posts won't be so cranky!!

Life's fun if you don't weaken,


Sunday, 12 February 2012

I've been tagged ... many, many times

This is what happens when you haven't been blogging for awhile, sometimes catching up is hard to do.  Apparently I've been tagged (and tagged again****).  No problem, I'll try to answer some of your questions...but honestly, my life is fairly boring.

1.  Favorite obscure movie? (And why..)  Good question, I'll have to think about that.
2.  Favorite kitchen appliance?  (And why..)  the blender, I don't own a juicer yet.
3.  Favorite Olympic sport?  (summer) Equestrian competition.  (winter) cross county skiing.
4.  What method(s) do you use to make time for yourself?  I have a hot bath and read.
5.  Favorite alcoholic beverage (if beer, be specific. :) )  I don't drink alcohol.
6.  Why do you blog?  I started my blog to document my marathon training and it has evolved to more than just running.
7.  What is one place you've always wanted to travel to, but haven't made it there yet?  As a former flight attendant I've been to a lot of places but I've never been to New Zealand. 
8.  What's your take on reality TV?  Stupid, staged, shitty.
9.  Favorite band?  Allman Brothers Band.
10. Mac or PC?  PC, that's all I know.
11. Favorite season to work out in?  SUMMER!

My favourit Heffer, "Alice" (who seems to have void issues, LOL) asked:
  1. Who was the last person you randomly ran into at a race or during a long run?  It wasn't a random meeting, but last fall Marlene (my Blog Daughter) and I met up at the Oasis Zoo Run in Toronto.
  2. What was the last embarrassing thing you did?  dumped all my loose change on a counter to pay for some Cranberry Juice...ALL MY SMALL CHANGE!
  3. Do you wear underwear when you run? why or why not?  No, nuff said  LOL
  4. Where is the strangest place you've ended up having to pee during a long run, ride, or race.  A Hotel Lobby in the dead of winter.  I was covered in a sheet of ice that had to be chipped off into the washbasin before I could "relieve myself".
  5. Which color porta potty do you prefer?  HUH??
  6. What was the last random object you saw on your last run?  A potbellied pig!  Seriously!
  7. What was the most random object you've ever seen on a long run?  Have to think about that one.
  8. What is your favorite breakfast?  Smoothie of any kind
  9. The Voice or American Idol?   American Idol...I love Steven Tyler!
  10. What was the last TV show you watched?  Law and Order SVU
  11. What are you doing tomorrow?  Laundry, cleaning the fish tank, then snow-shoeing!
OKAY, now the last one (because I can't remember who else tagged me, sorry if I've missed you).
Lisa at Chasin' Bunnies asked:

1.  Superman or Batman?  Batman, tall, dark and covered in rubber?  LOL
2.  Coffee or Tea?  COFFEE
3.  Sunrise or Sunset?  Both
4.  Facebook or Twitter?  I suppose Facebook
5.  Spring or Fall?  Fall
6.  Breakfast or Dinner?  Breakfast
7.  Books or Movies?  Both
8.  Beach or Mountains?  oh darn, okay...Beach
9.   Early Morning or Late Night?  Early Morning
10.  Glass half-full or half-empty?  Half Full...
11.  Hill repeats or speed work?  GAH Neither!  

******Addendum  Xenia...just for you!

1. Which movie/tv show/character most resembles your life?  Don't know...you decide!  LOL

2. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?  If you want to do anything badly enough, you will find a way to do it.

3. What was your ultimate dipshit moment (so far)?  Arguing for the sake of argument.  Such a waste of time.

4. Marry, f*ck or kill: choose either group – (a) Val Kilmer (current, not young version), Kevin Federline and Russell Brand; (b) Lindsay Lohan, Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton.  GAH, is there not another choice?  Okay (b), bitchslap them into some sort of reality.  Wait, was that an option?

5. Which country would you most likely be arrested in and/or shot at and why?  Anywhere women do not have rights...which really means most places.

6. Which person (alive or dead) would you most want to bitchslap?  see above #4

7. Which special talent or skill do you wish you had?  I wish I could fly, seriously!

8. Who or what would you consider to be your archenemy?  Don't know if I have one, just a waste of my energy on negative thinking.

9. Pop or soda?  In Canada we say pop.

10. What’s your favorite holiday?  Somewhere warm, with palm trees, surf and sand...in other words, Hawaii...

11. How would you prefer the apocalypse to go down?  hmmm, this is a loaded question.  Am I seeing a vision or the actual end of the world?  Let me think about this...

So, there you go.  As most of you have already been tagged, I'll assume that this has run its course.

Life's fun if you don't weaken,

Saturday, 11 February 2012

A new day ~ a new "DO"

It is a new day and the weekend.  So much to do, yet I'm going to find time for some "me time".  Although it is frightfully cold today I may head down to the Rideau Canal to skate and watch some of the Winterlude events. I'll make sure to wear my toque today since I went from this....

to this 

Maybe I needed a drastic change to spruce me up but I definitely needed more time to myself and just by cutting off my hair it saves me about forty-five minutes in the mornings.  Now that I'm officially a grey hair, life is just beginning!  

I'm off to spend some quality time on my bike trainer, do the required housework then off to the canal...a new day, renewed energy!

Life's fun if you don't weaken,


ps, thanks everyone for lifting my spirits from my previous post, I appreciate your comments and concerns left on this blog, your emails and on Facebook, thank you!

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Starting over ... or

would you like a little cheese with this whine?  Baby steps, that is all I can do right now.  Between all the disruption in an otherwise dull, very routine little life, fighting a severe case of Bronchitis, sinus infection and of course Neighbour Bob, I believe I have suffered with a bout of depression.  The kind of feeling where there are no highs, no lows, just numbness.  The get up, go to work, deal with what you have to, only to go home flop on the couch, then wake up to go to bed.  Yup, that's been me for the past month.
The good news is, the days are getting longer (YEAH, lets hear it for Spring), I'm starting to feel better and I am seeking counselling with the Alzheimer Society on how to better deal with my dad's dementia.  Wow, what a learning curve this is and will be for quite some time.

What I am learning is that the caregiver HAS care for themselves without feeling guilty.  I actually took some time last weekend and went for a 2km walk.  Whoot!  It is a far cry from being Half Ironman ready, but it is a start.  Let's hope life will start to settle into a routine that all of us can live with.  I'm hoping to get to the pool tomorrow for some well deserved water and sauna therapy.

Who knows what 2012 has in store for me, but all I can do is embrace it and continue on.

"Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour.  Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore, Dream and Discover".  ~ Mark Twain

Life's fun if you don't weaken,


Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Wednesday, 1 February 2012