Sunday, 31 May 2009
Old Runner, New Kicks or as the beat goes on...
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Rain, Rain, go Away!
Monday, 25 May 2009
Friday, 22 May 2009
Just thought I'd share this ...
"Every choice moves us closer to or farther away from something. Where are your choices taking your life?
What do your behaviors demonstrate that you are saying yes or no to in life?"
-- Eric Allenbaugh.
(during a race...
Hope to see you on Sunday!!
Race hard, stay strong and leave a lung on the pavement ~ Have a GREAT weekend everyone!! I'll be cheering for you!!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Five more sleeps...
This will be my first time since 2002 that I won't be participating as runner in this event and admittedly my emotions are up and down like a toilet seat. My head and knee know all too well that it is okay that I'm not running, but my heart is having a hard time letting this go. Anyone who truly knows me knows that I am very passionate and emotional towards something that I truly love. (Yes, even chipmunks).
As I've mentioned before, I started running (again) in 2001, after a painful breakup and major surgery. Let's just say I was tipping the weigh scales on a grand proportion.

On the brink of my 54th birthday I decided to up my running distances from 5 & 10K races to the half marathon. The race was in memory of my mother who passed away when she was 54, so needless to say it was a very emotional race. (Okay, I'm tearing up just writing this). The race itself was interesting. I laughed, cried, cursed and to say I had a fun struggle jiggling my middle aged body to the finish line in 2hrs 32 minutes, is an understatement, but I was hooked. I loved the long distances.
Many, many, many half's later, I upped the ante for the full marathon!
What was I thinking? The race is in May, that would mean training throughout the winter. Have I mentioned I hate being cold? Well, we did the

Last May I became a marathoner at the age of 55. I love running the distance, but even more than running the distance, I love encouraging people who are stepping out of their comfort zones to try to up their distances, anyone who wants to go from 5K to 10K, 10K to half marathon's....but most importantly, I love encouraging people to get up off the couch and take that first walk down the block.
There are so many ways to improve our lives, our stresses, our insecurities, but for me, it is cycling, swimming, trying a tri, but my passion is running and helping others achieve their goals.
So, here is a toast to the Wooo Hooo's who are running in the Half and the Marathon. Here's to the blogger's (some whom I've met) who are making their way to our beautiful city this weekend and who will be running their way around either 21.1K or 42.2K of Ottawa's most scenic roadways.
But most importantly, here's to the gang I trained with this year who will become marathoner's in five more sleeps!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Monday, 18 May 2009
Hallelujah, Halleluyah, or Alleluia
Yesterday was very cold and very windy here in the Great White North, so it was spent indoors doing housework, laundry, catching up on the show The Tudors and chasing the chipmunk up stairs and down. At one point I had it right to the back patio door, but a feline, who shall remain nameless intervened.
Hallelujah, Halleluyah, or Alleluia
Now I can resume my weekend and get outdoors even though it is still cold. I've got to tidy up before the onslaught of my fathers annual pilgrimage. Since he is a get up and go kind of guy I have to make sure that I get the majority of yard work done before he arrives. Little does he know how much work goes into preparing for his visits. I'm heading out to rake the oak leaves, mow the yard, weed the gardens and yet leave enough for him to do when he is here, because he loves to help out!
Saturday, 16 May 2009
CHIPPIE UPDATE MONday, The Long Holiday Weekend on the wrong date
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Time slips on by

I had promised myself no more whiney posts about my knee, no more whiney posts about being cold and just plain no more whiney posts whatsoever.
This weekend I was rip roaring to to get into the gardens and then get out on my bike. The Rideau Lakes Bike Tour is less than four weeks away and if Dr. No gives me the go ahead I'd better get my ass in gear. It is said that you'd better have 1,000 km's of riding under your belt before you attempt this bike tour.
After last Thursday's great bike ride up through Fitzroy Harbour, and the Provincial Park , I was really excited to get some more mileage in over the weekend.
Well, I checked with the Ottawa Weather gods and they said it was to be slightly over cast, okay....

Yesterday was really nice out, but extremely busy at the office so I didn't get home until almost 7pm and was mentally exhausted, again, no biking.
This morning was beautiful at 5:30, the birds were singing and the sun was already up. I thought, okay, get your rear in gear and get out and put a new spin on! As I was getting ready putting on the coffee and having a quick bite to eat, I heard my elderly neighbour outside calling her dog, Phoebe. I stuck my head out the back patio door to see Marion in her nightie looking forlorn and calling her dog. "Is everything okay?" I called out to her, she was obviously distressed, "I can't find Phoebe, how could she be lost?" she replied.
I really like my new neighbour, she moved into the house next to me last year and I can truly be thankful since the previous owners were unbelievable. When they had moved in they had one very young daughter and both parents seemed very nice and both were working. By the time they moved out a few short (but seemed very long) six years later they had had four more kids, one more on the way and ran a day care!!! (Nothing wrong with procreating, but not when they behave like the devil's spawn).
Needless to say when I saw the For Sale sign go up I dropped to my knees and thanked the heavens above, but was nervous as to who would move in next.
Then came Marion, quiet, retired, loves to garden, loves her pet rescue dog, but I've noticed that she is starting to show the signs of forgetfulness. I try everyday to make sure she is okay, I help her with her groceries and help out in the gardens. I really like her an awful lot, so when I heard her so upset this morning, there was no way I could just leave her without helping her find her precious Phoebe. Long story short, Phoebe was in fact not lost and not out of her fenced in backyard at all, she was just out of view. This is none of my business, but I will in fact keep a closer eye on my neighbour over the summer and if more of these happenings become more apparent and prevalent, I might just have to speak with her son and daughter-in-law. To be determined....
Anywhoooooo, another missed bike ride, so tonight after work I HAVE to get out on the bike.
Tomorrow morning I have to have blood work done, so I have to fast for twelve hours, then in the afternoon I have my date with Dr. No.
So catch up with you later.
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Monday, 11 May 2009
Just the stuff going on
After having breakfast and blogging, I waited around for it to warm up a little then dressed in what I thought would be enough layers and got Ruby ready for a ride. I headed out of the bay and was hit with a really strong, very cold headwind! Yikes, it was very cold out and I was really cold in no time flat, have I mentioned I HATE being cold? I ended up turning back towards home and cycled around in some of the cul-de-sacs in Constance Bay, then finally gave up and headed home. Unlike Leslie who is a hard core cyclist, he was out yesterday riding the 300 km Animalthon.
When I got into the house I wanted to warm up my hands so I turned on the bathroom sink taps and "splash" water was flowing everywhere!! Yikes, I turned off the water and grabbed the closest towel. While I was mopping up the mess and trying to figure out what just happened I heard more water running, what? where??, I heard Lily running around down in the basement.
The pipe that was connected to the drain pipe had disconnected and unbeknown to me, the slip sod plumber I had used a few years ago (no, this wasn't his first error), hadn't connected the pipes properly nor had he sealed the floor around the pipes running from the bathroom to the basement, water was pouring down the hole into the basement RIGHT where I have Lily's litter box!! Gah, water was everywhere, clumping cat litter had exploded out of the cat box due to the force of the water and was everywhere, what a freeking mess. Needless to say, by the time I mopped up the mess upstairs and downstairs, I was livid....
I suppose if you pay peanuts you get monkey's, but honestly, don't you think that if you were in a trades profession you would at least do a good job? Good news is briefly mentioned but bad news travels fast in my community.
Now I have to find a plumber, obviously a different one, to fix this mess before my father comes up to visit in a couple of weeks.
Speaking of my father,

Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Happy Mother's Day everyone!
Thursday, 7 May 2009
I've come to the conclusion,
Let's just say if you decide to read what I had originally written, well, let's just say
I've been trying to entertain myself with the fact that I've really have been working hard at recuperation with a healthy, positive attitude. Well, truth be known, I have a first class *B.A.
yup, can you imagine? It has only taken me a month to figure this out. Even though I was going through the motions of trying to be excited with the fact that I was finally able to walk 1K, or that I biked 15K, eyyyyeee haaawwww! Even though I sweated my way through the pain, it just wasn't cutting it with a warm fuzzy feeling of elation that you get from a great run.
BAD ATTITUDE = spoiled, coddled brat having an excessive pity party!! Table for one...
The exterior was going through the motions but the brain was in an agitated turmoil. Reality check, I'm no athlete, I'm no spring chicken, hell, I'm not even good at running, but having the competitive spirit I have, not being able to run and bike was really eating away at me. Well, now that it has surfaced from the smarmy recesses of my reptilian brain, I feel much better.
Physio has been going well, I have been diligent with my home exercises, but really do I need to know how to stand on one foot with my eyes closed? Try it, it is freeking hard!! Dr. No and I have a date next week, so I'll know more after I see him as to whether I'll need surgery. But I'm staying positive that if that is the case, it'll just make it better for the future. I've been walking and cycling and starting to feel some semblance of stability and strength again, which is great because I have to walk my way around the Ottawa Race Weekend Sports Expo!!
Last Sunday was the last long run for the group I had been leading. They ran 32K along the trails which link our gorgeous city from one end to the other called the Ottawa River Parkway. It was truly great to see everyone and truthfully I was quite fine with it until I had to part company with them. They were headed along the Ottawa River Parkway and I just wasn't going to go any further with them, it was at that moment I discovered I truly missed everyone and our running, our talks and our friendships.
It will be a challenge for me to be at the race two weeks from now and not be running, but it is not about me, is it?
It is about my friends, and its about the first timers, their strong will and determination that will get them to the finish line, its about all of the hard work, dedication, running in shit weather, slogging it out in the cold winter months that will bring them to the elite status of being a marathoner.

Yup, that's why I'll be there cheering for each and every one of them who made the commitment to become a marathon runner...
Life's fun if you don't weaken,