Sweaty palms and all, I've already packed my "after the event" bag and have started laying out my little bitty transition bag. The bike rack is on the car just waiting for Ruby Red Rose.
I don't even have bike shoes, so I'll be using my Saucony's and riding pigeon toed so that the heel base doesn't bump the bike frame. Or if allowed, I'll bike in my Mephisto's. Not too sure how kosher that is.
I mean holy crap, when I was a flight attendant and was heading off for a 10-day round robin, I packed the morning of the flight, it probably took me 10 minutes. Nope, not this, I'm packing and unpacking as though I'm heading off for a stint in SingSing.
My friend Vickie offered sage advice about the swim part of the event.
"Just be sure to relax, especially on the swim. It will be easier if you aren't panicked before you start. And if you do panic some, just tread water until you get your breathing under control. Or hang on to something if available. It should be a fast workout!"
Yup, that gives me a ton of confidence. Just kidding Vickie, I do appreciate it, really.
It's the bike that is absolutely freaking me out. My major concern is impeding someone who really is in the game, not someone who is just trying.

After last weekends practice tri and 16K run on Sunday, my legs are still trying to recover, its never taken me this long to recover from any event. Even the marathon.
Today is Thursday and I'm still super tired. Mind you it has been NUTS at work and the overtime is piling up. After a stressful day, my workouts have been going by the wayside. No biking, no swimming done this week and tonight is suppose to be an 8K run in town.
Would I like a little cheese with all this whine....??
Yesterday we received another email from the race director, more changes yet again. Even though my run distance is only 3K, this new newsletter advised that there will be no route markers for any run under 8K. Okay, am I to guess when I get to turn around to head back to the finish? If it was left up to me, I'd leave the stadium, stop and turn back in to the finish line. JUST KIDDING!
So I go over to my trusted Triguyjt blogsite for some more much needed Tri information and he has a link to Rainmaker who has just completed the Iron Man Canada. Holy yikes, what the hell am I worrying about? If Rainmaker can complete an Iron Man with bee stings, aggressive swim chicks, rain, wind and mountains....this little Lion Heart will zoom through her Try-a-Tri without a hitch!
Two more sleeps, my very Canadian expression Nitmos, two more sleeps....
Tomorrow we pick up our race kits, I'll be studying every single inch of the course and Saturday morning the alarm will be going off at 3:30am.....
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
If you have time, go over the run and bike course before the race. As far as impeding somebody goes... You need to stay to the right, just like driving a car, and let the faster peeps pass on your left. The onus is on them to pass properly. You, however, do not pull out to pass someone without looking over your left shoulder. You can avoid all kinds of problems that way ;-)
You seem to be a good swimmer. If you want to avoid the jostle at the start, hang out to one side or the other. Otherwise, get in there and mix it up :-)
Most of all, you have a blast!!
Lily, I can completely relate to all you're going through. This is your first tri; you don't really know what to expect; of course you agonize over every scenario possible, but without even knowing what will happen. First, don't worry about impeding anyone who is actually racing. Not being cruel here, but you're likely not to be a threat. :D (I'm always worrying about someone getting in my way--doesn't usually happen.) The transition is likely to be somewhat crazy--you will be disoriented and distracted. That's where you need to take a deep breath, relax, and think everything through to be sure you don't forget anything. Then just get out there and do what you can on the bike. Same for T2. You won't have to change shoes, so that will save time. Just rerack your bike, take off your helmet, put on a hat/visor or whatever and go. Your legs will probably feel like stumps, but they will come around if you just relax and go easy until you start to feel them again. Can't wait to hear how this all goes! Don't worry! I'm betting you will have a blast!
I have no experience in the matter, but good luck! I'm sure you're gonna do great. Remember to have fun too. :)
I have no experience in the matter, but good luck! I'm sure you're gonna do great. Remember to have fun too. :)
stressing... you'll be fine... except the getting up at 3:30 am part... so over on my blog I said I'd come cheer you on... If this is a crack of dawn kind of thing, I'll be cheering for you from the comfort of my little bed. ANd perhaps administering first aid BEvERages late in the afternoon?
You're gonna do great!
Just think of all the cheese you'll be able to buy with your prize money!
YOu know, one day in the future (when you're lined up to do IM ;-) ) you're going to look back at this moment and laugh at your nerves. YOU ARE GOING TO DO AWESOME!! I KNOW IT! As long as you're having fun while doing it, really,is there going to be any problems? ;-) Now go rock out!
Good luck! You sound prepared, I'm sure it will go smoothly. And wearing your Sauconys on the bike will make T2 that much quicker. :)
Lily, you're gonna do just fine. If you panic while swimming, just grab onto the person in front of you!
Good Luck and Have Fun
Good luck dear - can't wait to hear what you think of the whole experience.
And you're wise to listen to Vickie, she's like super running buddha without the belly or tons of followers and all :-)
There is NO DOUBT in MY mind you will do great! My first tri I was the same way. You'll relax and start having fun once your face is in the water.
You of all people will have a blast! It's normal to be a little scared of the unknown. That's also what makes it so fun and exciting-the unknown.
I'll be wishing you well and I can't wait to hear how EASY it was for you and how much fun you had!
It will be great. Relax have fun enjoy it. The first one seemed like a blur to me it took a couple of days to bring it all back in scenes. LOL! You rocked the mock now you got this. Have a great race, best of luck!! I will be waiting to read the report. Will be thinking of you!
PS love that pic with the butt cheeks hanging off the bike. Where did you get that pic of me. LOL!
Try to relax and sleep well tonight!
With this being your first tri, I can totally understand the pre-race jitters! You are going to rock this race though! Just rest up and you will be ready!
What do I know about race prep and tri's? Diddly squat!
You have nothing but mad respect from this newbie. Good luck, get some rest, and try to relax and just enjoy the experience. You are well prepared and will rock it.
legs aren't recovered? hmmmmm..... you know riding uses different muscles than running does? you'll be fine. i suspect that you'll be raising hell with everyone within 5 minutes. have fun. good luck!
Try to relax and ENJOY it. And Wes gave all the info you need for the bike...stay to the right, pass on the left, all will be well.
Can't wait to read the race report!
Before my first 1/2 marathon, I packed my bag TWO DAYS before the race, read the race directions repeatedly, rehearsed what I would do the morning of the race constantly, double-checked every list I made about what I needed, what I would do, where I would be running...you get the idea.
Therefore, I'd say your being completely normal...
Good luck this weekend! You are going to rock it!
Have fun and remember this is a "try" not "the tri"
Just have fun missy. I think it's normal to be apprehensive and a little scared. I met someone last night who is doing the sprint, he said it's a fun happpy course.
For the swim, he said that it's not very far from shore and if you get really stuck you can probably stop and "walk it". I am cheering for you... what time does it start? it's at Mooney's Bay?
Hi Lily
I was completely unaware of this whole TRI side that you have kept so well hidden. And i am very impressed with anybody who would even attempt such a thing. I know I am a little biased, but you have done a whole marathon and I think you will take this TRI down... no problem. I do think you will have to work your way up to the Ironman distance (wink, wink), but it sounds like you have really prepared so I say "Go tear it up!"
Best of luck, my friend.
Good luck!! I can't wait to hear all about it!!
good luck!!! you are going to ROCK that race! cant wait to read all about it :)
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