Thursday, 28 January 2010
Howling at the Moon
This Saturday is the first full moon of 2010, what better way to celebrate than get the "wolf pack" together and go for a Full Moon crosscountry ski and for those without ski's, a snowshoe, then meet back up and enjoy a potluck get together and catch up. My almost 90 year old father calls the Wooo Hooo's "the wolf pack" and he even had Tshirts made for all of us...too cute.
I was worried about the snow conditions because of the torrential rain we had on Monday, but in true Canadian fashion, we have had some snow this week and the temperatures are plummeting to -23C (-9F) for Saturday. Ahhh, refreshing!
Last week the Rideau Lakes Cycle Tour registration opened up and I'm IN...well, just for the Century Ride, from Perth to Kingston at the beginning of June. This is the ride that I missed last year due to my knee injury, so I'm really looking forward to it this year. In fact, shhhh, don't tell Ruby, but I'm going tonight to be fitted for a Trek 2.1.
Speaking of Perth, the Kilt Run on-line regristration is now closed with 815 registrants as of January 26th. This is going to be a HOOT!
Again, I'm stealing company time, so have a great weekend everyone,
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Monday, 25 January 2010
I met a wise woman
After a particularly craptastic day at work on Friday I decided to go for a ski just to relieve some pent up anger. I headed up to the park and headed out, but for some reason, not sure why, whether it was because I wasn't focused and still had my head at work, but I didn't have a very good ski. I've learned over the years, whether it was schooling one of my horses or even while running, I give something the ten minute test and if I'm not seeing the results I want, I pack it up and try another day.
Saturday arrived and it was a nice day, once I got Lily a little more comfortable and got groceries purchased and unpacked, I went back to the park. There were quiet a few skiers out on the trails and I caught up with a very nice couple, we skied together for a little while. The Wise Woman said to me "go ahead, I'm very slow and a little nervous", well, I'd hit Mecca! Another skier just like me!!!
We skied along until we got to the first series of hills. I told her, "don't worry about me, just go ahead". She asked me if I was scared and I told her yes. Well, out of the mouth of the Wise Woman came words I will never forget. Don't follow the classic track, snowplough down the hill and if you fall it won't be as devastating. I watched the wise woman do exactly that and lo and behold I tried it and it worked! No fall, no stress, just a feeling of accomplishment. I lost them along the trails and I never had the chance to thank her, but until I get some more confidence that is exactly what I'll be doing.....I've got your number Mr. Hill.
Sunday I was up at the butt-crack of dawn to volunteer at the Hypothermic Half Marathon. We had to be there for 6:30am. It is still dark out at that time people! I received an email saying that they were desperate for volunteers so I coerced Nat into volunteering as well, so it was going to be a fun day. After a 45 minute drive and two phone calls to Nat, we finally met up. Please go to her blog to read all about the race. Thanks for the shout out Nat, I had a great time!!! I can't contribute any more of what Nat wrote other than;
a) using a Port-a-Pottie in the middle of January takes "stones"
b) don't leave your camera and Nat in the car unsupervised !!!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Saturday arrived and it was a nice day, once I got Lily a little more comfortable and got groceries purchased and unpacked, I went back to the park. There were quiet a few skiers out on the trails and I caught up with a very nice couple, we skied together for a little while. The Wise Woman said to me "go ahead, I'm very slow and a little nervous", well, I'd hit Mecca! Another skier just like me!!!
Sunday I was up at the butt-crack of dawn to volunteer at the Hypothermic Half Marathon. We had to be there for 6:30am. It is still dark out at that time people! I received an email saying that they were desperate for volunteers so I coerced Nat into volunteering as well, so it was going to be a fun day. After a 45 minute drive and two phone calls to Nat, we finally met up. Please go to her blog to read all about the race. Thanks for the shout out Nat, I had a great time!!! I can't contribute any more of what Nat wrote other than;
a) using a Port-a-Pottie in the middle of January takes "stones"
b) don't leave your camera and Nat in the car unsupervised !!!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Saturday, 23 January 2010
It's the weekend
This morning was an early start, ever since Christmas Lily has been feeling sort of punky and this morning she was sick again around 4:30am, so I got up to be with her. She just hate being sick, she gets this look on her face as if she is trying to apologise. While I was hugging her I got one of her cat hairs in my eye, gah that hurts, so I know look like I've been punched in the eye, it is so red and swollen but I was able to get the hair out by using my contact lens solution as a sluice. Needless to say, both of us went back to bed because it was only 6:30 AM.
Well I'm up now and trying to organise myself, it is bright, sunny and cold and at some point I'd like to go for a ski. Tomorrow I'm up at the freeking buttcrack of dawn because I volunteered to help at the Hypothermic Half Marathon in Ottawa. Volunteers have to meet at 6:30AM....Holy F*ck....what's up with that? No, really it is okay, the walkers start at 7am, so we have to be there to marshal traffic, cheer them on and make sure they go the right route. Last year we ran 5 loops around the Arboretum, I'm not ashamed to say the race kicked my ass. It was soooo cold and the wind picked up and I was definitely under-dressed. I bailed with just a little over 5K to go. Have I mentioned I really dislike winter?
So this year I figured the least I could do was volunteer, look for me, I'll be the one dressed like the Michelin Man. Not really, but I will have so many clothes on I'll resemble him.
After the last runner / walker finishes we are all going off to the Arrow and Loon for breakfast. It is part of the race swag, along with the coveted snowflake medal and race shirt.
That will be my last meal of the weekend as I have to fast for my medical tests on Monday. Even though it is a rather embarrassing test, it is essential, colon cancer runs in my family. And NO people you are not knocked out for this particular one....
Well there you go, oh, and an updated on my Ladybug. She made an appearance on Wednesday and I feed her some apple and water droplets, but she was obviously failing. She passed away on Friday and is now resting comfortably in the compost bin.
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Well I'm up now and trying to organise myself, it is bright, sunny and cold and at some point I'd like to go for a ski. Tomorrow I'm up at the freeking buttcrack of dawn because I volunteered to help at the Hypothermic Half Marathon in Ottawa. Volunteers have to meet at 6:30AM....Holy F*ck....what's up with that? No, really it is okay, the walkers start at 7am, so we have to be there to marshal traffic, cheer them on and make sure they go the right route. Last year we ran 5 loops around the Arboretum, I'm not ashamed to say the race kicked my ass. It was soooo cold and the wind picked up and I was definitely under-dressed. I bailed with just a little over 5K to go. Have I mentioned I really dislike winter?

After the last runner / walker finishes we are all going off to the Arrow and Loon for breakfast. It is part of the race swag, along with the coveted snowflake medal and race shirt.
That will be my last meal of the weekend as I have to fast for my medical tests on Monday. Even though it is a rather embarrassing test, it is essential, colon cancer runs in my family. And NO people you are not knocked out for this particular one....
Well there you go, oh, and an updated on my Ladybug. She made an appearance on Wednesday and I feed her some apple and water droplets, but she was obviously failing. She passed away on Friday and is now resting comfortably in the compost bin.
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Hypothermic Half,
Lily and Ruby,
pet ladybug
Friday, 22 January 2010
Indulge me...
I'm sitting here reading about all of you, yes, all you young and older people and your hopes, dreams and aspirations about running, cycling and tri-ing in 2010. I have to admit, I am so desirous of your youth, vigour and energy.
I too have my goals and expensive ''to do list" for the upcoming year...but believe me when I say, I am not jumping on the bandwagon tonight while all of Hollywood is having their Hope for Haiti Now telecast on every channel imaginable.
This is a world wide dilemma and we, in our affluent countries can help where and when we can....
Please make a donation today, whether it is one dollar or more...please...we need to help the people of Haiti...
Canadian Red Cross
American Red Cross
Please, just do what you can, even if you never comment, yet are a silent reader....
I've made my donation, Have YOU?
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
I too have my goals and expensive ''to do list" for the upcoming year...but believe me when I say, I am not jumping on the bandwagon tonight while all of Hollywood is having their Hope for Haiti Now telecast on every channel imaginable.
This is a world wide dilemma and we, in our affluent countries can help where and when we can....
Please make a donation today, whether it is one dollar or more...please...we need to help the people of Haiti...
Canadian Red Cross
American Red Cross
Please, just do what you can, even if you never comment, yet are a silent reader....
I've made my donation, Have YOU?
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
do what you can,
give for Haiti,
indulge me
Thursday, 21 January 2010
You just never know
After posting about the Richmond Road Race on Tuesday and linking the website for the race photo's and sniveling that I couldn't "steal" a photograh to post on the blog, (reality check people, this is their living). I was checking some of your comments and you know what? There was a comment from the Race Photographer!!! I was amazed that he could find me but then I remembered I had linked to his site and then removed it....duh!!
Anyway, we exchanged emails about the race and the photo's, and his business In My Sights Photography and again, you know what?
Bill is so nice that he forwarded me a copy of the race photo!! Thanks so much Bill, that photo is going on my sidebar!!!
He also sent me the photo of Dave who is promoting the Perth Kilt Run in June. This race is going for the World Record for the most runner's running in a kilt. The first 500 people who register receive a Kilt in their race kit to wear during the race and you get a choice of kilt colour as well!!! As of January 21, 2010, there have been 418 regestrants. How can you tell I'm excited about this race! I'm not even part of the promotional team! Anyway, enough free promo, but come on you Toronto peeps, it's only three hours drive for you!! LOL.
Anyway, we exchanged emails about the race and the photo's, and his business In My Sights Photography and again, you know what?
Bill is so nice that he forwarded me a copy of the race photo!! Thanks so much Bill, that photo is going on my sidebar!!!

I'd better get some work done here again I'm stealing company time. Tonight I'm meeting up with some Tweeters (is that what its called?), some of us have never met before so it should be fun. We are going for a 5K run along the canal and then having a bite to eat!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Tuesday already?
Holy Yikes, time is flying. It has been busy, crazy at work (which is good because I was getting a little nervous last week).
The weather has tanked as far as cross country skiing is concerned, I can’t remember a winter this mild...yes, you can thank me. I’m guessing it is because I bought all that ski and snowshoe equipment. You’re welcome!!
Sunday was a GREAT day as far as running was was one of the best, mildest running days in the 28 year history of the Richmond Road Race. I had a blast meeting up with old and now new friends...yes I finally got to meet Yannick of EndorphinBuzz. He is a speedy speedster and super nice!!!
Since the Wooo Hooo’s were running in the 10K, I ran the 5K with my friend Treena from Bimble.
The weather has tanked as far as cross country skiing is concerned, I can’t remember a winter this mild...yes, you can thank me. I’m guessing it is because I bought all that ski and snowshoe equipment. You’re welcome!!
Sunday was a GREAT day as far as running was was one of the best, mildest running days in the 28 year history of the Richmond Road Race. I had a blast meeting up with old and now new friends...yes I finally got to meet Yannick of EndorphinBuzz. He is a speedy speedster and super nice!!!
Since the Wooo Hooo’s were running in the 10K, I ran the 5K with my friend Treena from Bimble.
(I ended up #58 of 96 women at a 6:41 pace finishing up at 0:33:23, this was not a chip time, just the old fashioned right it down on a clip board, which is just fine with me).
The representatives were there for the Kilt Run in June and believe it or not I know a couple of the organiser’s....I think I’ll need to get a hotel room in June for after, there will be adult BevERages involved after that race, I’m sure of it....
Anyway, I’m here stealing company time so I’ll leave you with the photo links of the race...I can’t scoop any photo’s, they got all high tek and I can’t copy any photo’s....*sniff* but look for me....bib number 323! I'm killing myself laughing (as usual)...oh and that's Dave running in his kilt....
Have a great day and remember,
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
The representatives were there for the Kilt Run in June and believe it or not I know a couple of the organiser’s....I think I’ll need to get a hotel room in June for after, there will be adult BevERages involved after that race, I’m sure of it....
Anyway, I’m here stealing company time so I’ll leave you with the photo links of the race...I can’t scoop any photo’s, they got all high tek and I can’t copy any photo’s....*sniff* but look for me....bib number 323! I'm killing myself laughing (as usual)...oh and that's Dave running in his kilt....
Have a great day and remember,
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Saturday, 16 January 2010
HA, trying to make my own
Take Three!!!
Take Two!!!
Masthead number three....okay, this is getting old! LOL
Take Two!!!
Masthead number two....comments ? ! ? !
This morning dawned with so many things to do, I figured I'd just sit at the computer and let Lily have at it.
This is what she came up with....and attempt at a masthead...I think we need help!
So, the feeble attempt will stay up for a short period of time and feel free to leave your comments...laughter, hysterical or not can not be heard on the computer, so insert laughter at any point!
I'm off to clean Lily's fish tank and then head out for a quick snowshoe, then off to pick up the race kit....Whoot, don't you just love weekends?
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Friday, 15 January 2010
Cravings, Bodily functions & a Road Race...
Cravings, Since Christmas I have been craving salt! I haven't used salt in anything other than what is forced on me through packaged foods in over 30 years. What's up with that? When I eat rice I have to include soya sauce, if I have sweet potato fries, I'm adding table salt. My eyes are beginning to look like two pee holes in the snow!!! Anyone got some answer's here?
Bodily Functions, yes you read that correctly, a daily (I hope for your sake) function NO one wants to talk about. Well, I'm up for the "big" check up in a couple of weeks, so with that said, I haven't been able to take some of my vitamins, especially vitamin C nor drink orange juice for the last three days. Apparently this is normal before the faecal occult blood test which is a prelude of the "big" check up ~ the Flexible sigmoidoscopy. Depending upon the results of the sigmoidoscopy, it will determine if I require an actual colonoscopy. Ahhhh aging, ain't it great? But you know what? With a history of colon cancer in my family, I don't care what "Embarrassment" I may feel, I'd sooner be safe than sorry, it's all about covering your ass! If you've never had this check up, I would highly recommend speaking to your doctor about it.
Now onto the next blog topic,
Richmond Road Race, I'm looking forward to Sunday, it'll be a not so fast 5K trot!!
The weather predictions are all over the board, yesterday they said sunny and cool ~ today's forecast for Sunday is cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers. Low minus 4. High plus 1. I suppose we will know exactly what we are getting when we open our eyes on Sunday morning.
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Bodily Functions, yes you read that correctly, a daily (I hope for your sake) function NO one wants to talk about. Well, I'm up for the "big" check up in a couple of weeks, so with that said, I haven't been able to take some of my vitamins, especially vitamin C nor drink orange juice for the last three days. Apparently this is normal before the faecal occult blood test which is a prelude of the "big" check up ~ the Flexible sigmoidoscopy. Depending upon the results of the sigmoidoscopy, it will determine if I require an actual colonoscopy. Ahhhh aging, ain't it great? But you know what? With a history of colon cancer in my family, I don't care what "Embarrassment" I may feel, I'd sooner be safe than sorry, it's all about covering your ass! If you've never had this check up, I would highly recommend speaking to your doctor about it.
Now onto the next blog topic,
Richmond Road Race, I'm looking forward to Sunday, it'll be a not so fast 5K trot!!
this is what it looked like last year....
The weather predictions are all over the board, yesterday they said sunny and cool ~ today's forecast for Sunday is cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers. Low minus 4. High plus 1. I suppose we will know exactly what we are getting when we open our eyes on Sunday morning.
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Disappointed but not giving up
Our Ottawa weather has crept up into the warmish digits, today it is very overcast and the roads are slick due to the freezing rain. Yesterday I had every intention of going for a ski right after work, but as I left the office it was freezing rain which changed back and forth from rain to corn snow...yuck.
The previous day I had bailed from work early (yes, I'm on contract so I set my own hours). It was gorgeous, cold and sunny! I headed to the park to face my Nemesis, "the hill". After signing in I headed onto the trail that is fairly flat with slight grades until you get further into the forest, I figured I'd warm up and back track to the hill. Well, somewhere between turning around and getting back to the hill I totally lost ALL confidence and totally wimped and wiped out...I'm so dissappointed with myself, but I'm not going to beat myself up too much, we still have weeks of skiing left in the you bastard, I'll break you, you won't break me!!! And yes, I fell, and said the "F" word, many.times. GAH!
Just one other question, what the hell happend to spell check on blogger???
Life's fun if you don't weaken,

Ruby will be going on the trainer this weekend, I check every day to see if the registration is open for the Rideau Lakes Bike Tour in June. I'm going to ride the 100k from Perth to Kingston, stay overnight at Queens University and ride back the next day. This was the tour I was to do last year but had to bow out because of my knee.
A good friend of mine asked me yesterday if will I be putting up my 2010 goal races on my sidebar like I have for the past several years. Well, in truth, I'm going to wait until it gets closer to race day before I register for events this year.
Last year I registered for a shit load of races early in the season and couldn't compete in ANY of them, so I reference 2009 as a year of very expensive coolmax Tshirts.
This Sunday is the Richmond Road Race, I am entered and will be running the 5K, and I have also registerd for what sounds like an absolute riot of a run in June. The Perth Kilt Run. If you are one of the first 500 hundred to register, you get a Kilt to run in, no kidding and you get to pick your kilt colour! Well, I picked Yellow (I hope it is tartan). My Scottish friend James is registered too, so it should be an absolute whoot!
Not too sure what else will catch my fancy this year, I am not going to run the same races over and over again, so I am looking further a-field and for some reason the Subaru IronMan 70.3 Muskoka keeps calling my name. We will see how the knee holds up when I increase the distance before I make my decision.
Vickie and I have been talking about meeting up for a get together race like we did two years ago, Jeff (who has fallen out of blogland) wants to get into the mix too! Maybe we can meet somewhere in the middle of Ottawa and Grand Rapids and get Shelley to join us for some fun too!!! This will definitely be a party!!
On a side note, I have had a ladybug living in my kitchen for months now. She was very active and noticable during Christmas, I would put out droplets of water and citrus juice for her and little bits of fruit for her to nibble on, then she flew off into another part of the house. I spotted her in the kitchen this morning and put out some apple for her....does anyone else have a ladybug living with them???
A good friend of mine asked me yesterday if will I be putting up my 2010 goal races on my sidebar like I have for the past several years. Well, in truth, I'm going to wait until it gets closer to race day before I register for events this year.
Last year I registered for a shit load of races early in the season and couldn't compete in ANY of them, so I reference 2009 as a year of very expensive coolmax Tshirts.
This Sunday is the Richmond Road Race, I am entered and will be running the 5K, and I have also registerd for what sounds like an absolute riot of a run in June. The Perth Kilt Run. If you are one of the first 500 hundred to register, you get a Kilt to run in, no kidding and you get to pick your kilt colour! Well, I picked Yellow (I hope it is tartan). My Scottish friend James is registered too, so it should be an absolute whoot!
Not too sure what else will catch my fancy this year, I am not going to run the same races over and over again, so I am looking further a-field and for some reason the Subaru IronMan 70.3 Muskoka keeps calling my name. We will see how the knee holds up when I increase the distance before I make my decision.
Vickie and I have been talking about meeting up for a get together race like we did two years ago, Jeff (who has fallen out of blogland) wants to get into the mix too! Maybe we can meet somewhere in the middle of Ottawa and Grand Rapids and get Shelley to join us for some fun too!!! This will definitely be a party!!
To Be Discussed!
On a side note, I have had a ladybug living in my kitchen for months now. She was very active and noticable during Christmas, I would put out droplets of water and citrus juice for her and little bits of fruit for her to nibble on, then she flew off into another part of the house. I spotted her in the kitchen this morning and put out some apple for her....does anyone else have a ladybug living with them???
Just one other question, what the hell happend to spell check on blogger???
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Lily and Ruby,
pet ladybug,
spell check,
the HILL
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Feel the fear and do it anyway...
When did I become such a candy-ass?
Saturday dawned VERY COLD (-28C with the wind chill) and fairly windy, I had made arrangements to meet with a friend to cross country ski over in the Gatineau's, but is was just way too cold...or so I thought from looking out my front hall window.
After exchanging several emails back and forth it was decided that we wouldn't go over to Quebec, I figured I'd stay close to home and if I decided to go out at all, it would be cross country skiing in the Park.
Well, I bundled up and headed out, I won't even begin to tell you how many layers I had on...but as you can see by my silhouette, LOTS!!
When I got to the park and signed in there were only four other skiers out there. This would be great, I'd have the trails to myself and chug along at my own slow pace. A few years ago I had a really nasty fall, well two falls actually on the same ski, during one fall I injured my ribs quite badly and the second fall happened while trying to ski back to my car. I fell backwards down a hill hitting my head and was actually unconscious for a little while. It was at that time I figured I'd retire from skiing altogether.
So this ski would be really about facing my fears in the park...and that I did....I trucked along the trails really enjoying the sights and sounds....until I came to 'the hill'...I actually stood and looked down and I started to shake...crazy huh? Well, I decided I was actually going to take my ski's off and walk down....I waited over 10 minutes...and I finally said to myself "you candy ass", just do it...who's going to win this? You or a stupid I mustered up all my courage and headed down the hill....and yup, I fell....but with dignity and as much control as possible....but I went down the hill....on my candy ass!!!
Once I got back up I didn't even bother to dust myself off, the snow on my pants was the badge of merit I needed to continue my ski with pride....with that fall out of the way I could finally take some pictures.
This morning I met up with some friends at the Running Room and enjoyed my first real run of the new year and decade...a brisk 5K run....and you know what?
When did I become such a candy-ass?
Saturday dawned VERY COLD (-28C with the wind chill) and fairly windy, I had made arrangements to meet with a friend to cross country ski over in the Gatineau's, but is was just way too cold...or so I thought from looking out my front hall window.
After exchanging several emails back and forth it was decided that we wouldn't go over to Quebec, I figured I'd stay close to home and if I decided to go out at all, it would be cross country skiing in the Park.
Well, I bundled up and headed out, I won't even begin to tell you how many layers I had on...but as you can see by my silhouette, LOTS!!
When I got to the park and signed in there were only four other skiers out there. This would be great, I'd have the trails to myself and chug along at my own slow pace. A few years ago I had a really nasty fall, well two falls actually on the same ski, during one fall I injured my ribs quite badly and the second fall happened while trying to ski back to my car. I fell backwards down a hill hitting my head and was actually unconscious for a little while. It was at that time I figured I'd retire from skiing altogether.
So this ski would be really about facing my fears in the park...and that I did....I trucked along the trails really enjoying the sights and sounds....until I came to 'the hill'...I actually stood and looked down and I started to shake...crazy huh? Well, I decided I was actually going to take my ski's off and walk down....I waited over 10 minutes...and I finally said to myself "you candy ass", just do it...who's going to win this? You or a stupid I mustered up all my courage and headed down the hill....and yup, I fell....but with dignity and as much control as possible....but I went down the hill....on my candy ass!!!
Once I got back up I didn't even bother to dust myself off, the snow on my pants was the badge of merit I needed to continue my ski with pride....with that fall out of the way I could finally take some pictures.
skiing through the marshes
heading back into the forest
new Madshus ski's
I was out for over an hour and half and I have to admit that even though I only skied 6K it was tiring, especially since when I started out I was so tense in anticipation of a fall, once I got that out of the way I really did enjoy the day...cold weather and all!!!
When I got home flipped on the fireplace, relaxed and enjoyed an adult BEvERage....
home is where the hearth is
What's in your front hall ??
This morning I met up with some friends at the Running Room and enjoyed my first real run of the new year and decade...a brisk 5K run....and you know what?
It felt GREAT!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Full Moon Madness
or Retail Therapy, you decide....
I hate shopping almost as much as I dislike winter, but since I live in this climate I might as well embrace it.
Why walk when you can run? Why not include ski's again? Well, why not???? Last Sunday I went over to the Quebec side to Greg Christies bike and ski shop. What a treat this place is! As soon as I walked in I was greated by Glen who ended up helping me select the perfect cross country ski package. We talked about expectations, skill level (or lack thereof) and where I would be doing most of my skiing. I ended up getting Madshus boots and ski's and of course poles (even though I have a pair). I even talked to Glen about upgrading my bike (ssshhh, don't tell Ruby), so I'll be going over in the next couple of weeks and seeing what he far the Opus, Alto looks good. But I really have to do my homework and go to Bushtukah and talk with Erin and Zack...
I hate shopping almost as much as I dislike winter, but since I live in this climate I might as well embrace it.
The past few years I've suffered terribly from SAD (seasonal affective disorder). There was NO way that it was going to beat me up again this year, so I've been popping Vitamins' C and D since September and trying to get out into the winter weather as much as possible. What better way than snow shoeing and cross country skiing!! I've skied before and although I'm slow and had a pretty hard fall a few years ago I had decided to hang up my equipment. (I actually made a pretty nifty outdoor winter decoration with the old ski's)....but since I've been snowshoeing I realised I have a need for speed.

I've also joined the Kanata Nordic Ski Club which is 5 minutes from my office, so for the past couple of days I've ski'd the trails right after work and I'm gaining my confidence back. I'm hoping to go to the Gatineau's in Quebec on Saturday for a little more of a challenging ski. Look out, clear the trails!!!
On the running front, well, let's just say I'm cross training right now, I am going to run on Sunday with Jen and the Richmond Road Race 5K and 10K race the following week will be more of a fun run. I have to admit, I'm enjoying not having to get ready for a particular race right at the moment.
Good Luck to everyone running in Disney this weekend, bundle up your buns...who knew it would just a few degrees warmer there than what we are experiencing here!!! Have fun you guys....and have fun being GOOFY!!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Good Luck to everyone running in Disney this weekend, bundle up your buns...who knew it would just a few degrees warmer there than what we are experiencing here!!! Have fun you guys....and have fun being GOOFY!!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
cross training,
still running
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Saturday, 2 January 2010
Cross training and snow shoeing
We have had quite a bit of snow over the past few days, which will make the skier's very happy, me, well I live with it and I'm trying to enjoy it.
After digging my way out of the driveway yesterday, I threw the snowshoes into the car and headed up to Fitzroy Provincial Park. A New Year, new fitness tactics.
The park is an unknown jewel in the winter time. Some but very few actually use the park during this snowy season, and for those who don't, well shame on you.
There are cross country ski trails that are meticulously groomed and there are snowmobile trails, never do the two meet so you can ski without fear of being run over.
Recently due to the surge of snowshoer's in the area there are makeshift trails which are being well used. Yesterday I broke a few trails as well as followed a few too.
As much as I bitch and complain about winter, there is always something beautiful to see. The silence was overwhelming, other than the call of the chickadee or the bluejay, it seemed as though I was the only one in the park.
There was one point where I had to stop for a rest, my heart was pounding out of my just don't realize how much effort it is to slog through unbroken trails...(yes, I carry I.D. and have my cell phone with me...)
Another perfect picture of what you can see if you take the time....

After digging my way out of the driveway yesterday, I threw the snowshoes into the car and headed up to Fitzroy Provincial Park. A New Year, new fitness tactics.
The park is an unknown jewel in the winter time. Some but very few actually use the park during this snowy season, and for those who don't, well shame on you.
There are cross country ski trails that are meticulously groomed and there are snowmobile trails, never do the two meet so you can ski without fear of being run over.
Recently due to the surge of snowshoer's in the area there are makeshift trails which are being well used. Yesterday I broke a few trails as well as followed a few too.
As much as I bitch and complain about winter, there is always something beautiful to see. The silence was overwhelming, other than the call of the chickadee or the bluejay, it seemed as though I was the only one in the park.
There was one point where I had to stop for a rest, my heart was pounding out of my just don't realize how much effort it is to slog through unbroken trails...(yes, I carry I.D. and have my cell phone with me...)
Another perfect picture of what you can see if you take the time....

Well, I'm headed out to shovel the driveway again (cross training) we had another big dump of snow last night and then I'll go back up to the park for another afternoon of cardio workout (snow shoeing).
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Friday, 1 January 2010
A Clean Slate
Am I ready for the 5k race I have in seventeen days? Not likely, but it will be my first New Year's goal and we all need goals, right? Whether I walk it, walk / run it or just volunteer I'm going (weather permitting).
There is no way I'm going to look backwards at 2009. What has been has been and you can't undo it, the trials and tribulations are what makes your very fibre. I'm only looking ahead and 2010 is a clean slate.
Health wise I'm still struggling to regain my lung capacity and when I say struggle it is literal. I've increased my outdoor activity by walking and snow shoeing in our forest or up in the Provincial Park. It takes longer to get there than it does for me to accomplish my activity, but you have to start somewhere and I always find the beginning the very best place to start!!
2010 may find me cross country skiing again, after my bad fall a few years ago I packed up my ski's and boots and sent them packing to a new home, but I was at Bushtukah the other day looking at new Trek bikes when I wandered through the ski department....I thought I heard some cross country ski's calling my name...or it could be the meds I'm on....
oh, here is a photo of the new Bell XC helmet I got on sale! Cool huh?

Anyway, it's a new year so you just never know what I'll be up to!!
While I'm rambling on, I'd just like to take this moment to wish all my friends, virtual and for really real, a BIG Best Wishes for their upcoming GOOFY Marathon race in Disney World Florida in 5 DAYS!!!
Have a blast you guys and I can hardly wait to see, read about and fondle your Goofy Medals....have a cup of gatorade for me!!!!
Happy New Year
and remember,
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
There is no way I'm going to look backwards at 2009. What has been has been and you can't undo it, the trials and tribulations are what makes your very fibre. I'm only looking ahead and 2010 is a clean slate.
Health wise I'm still struggling to regain my lung capacity and when I say struggle it is literal. I've increased my outdoor activity by walking and snow shoeing in our forest or up in the Provincial Park. It takes longer to get there than it does for me to accomplish my activity, but you have to start somewhere and I always find the beginning the very best place to start!!
2010 may find me cross country skiing again, after my bad fall a few years ago I packed up my ski's and boots and sent them packing to a new home, but I was at Bushtukah the other day looking at new Trek bikes when I wandered through the ski department....I thought I heard some cross country ski's calling my name...or it could be the meds I'm on....
oh, here is a photo of the new Bell XC helmet I got on sale! Cool huh?

Anyway, it's a new year so you just never know what I'll be up to!!
While I'm rambling on, I'd just like to take this moment to wish all my friends, virtual and for really real, a BIG Best Wishes for their upcoming GOOFY Marathon race in Disney World Florida in 5 DAYS!!!
Have a blast you guys and I can hardly wait to see, read about and fondle your Goofy Medals....have a cup of gatorade for me!!!!
Happy New Year
and remember,
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
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