Way back when I recall signing up for a virtual run on the 7th of this month. The dealeo was to run 7 on the 7th, similar to Non-Runner Nancy's virtual races from last year.
Honestly, and maybe it is my age, but I can't for the life of me remember who is hosting this virtual run and why....
Someone please refresh my sieve of a memory ~ please! Anyhooo, I am scheduled to run 10K today, so that is what I'll do
The weather forecast all week was for rain and freezing rain today, but now they have changed it to
+7C, yikes a
Chinook and we don't even get them, but we do affectionately call the abrupt change in weather a Calgary Clipper. I'm going to take full advantage of a reasonably warm day and get out and enjoy it.
Winter Triathlon has already kicked off this morning as I write this post, so after my weekly Saturday morning telephone date with my 88 year old father, I'll head into town to watch my friend Anne compete in the skate, ski and run winter tri. Wooo Hooo go getter Anne!!
On a side note, my spin classes are going really well, I'm loving them and if I do say so, I'm not going to be as nervous the first time out on the road as I was last year. Spinning is really helping my confidence and my balance, along with my stamina. For all of you hard core cyclists, you know who you are,
Judi, and
Sprocketboy , just beware, you might have a convert in me! I do need help with building my arms and upper body, so any suggestions you may have please feel free to pass them along. I am attempting albeit feebly, attempting push ups...and I use the term loosely!!
Tomorrow is our first LSD with the 5-hour marathon group. This 13K run will be the longest distance for some of the runners. I have to admit, on Tuesday night I ran a faster pace than what was required, but I just wanted to see how the runners could manage a 7:30 pace and where their strengths were. Sunday's run will definitely be much slower and with walk breaks. For new runner's the run 10 minute, walk 1 minute, certainly helps them with their running and really helps them with their recovery! After all, we are not elites.....
Monday after work, I'm headed to the
Gatineau Park for a full moon snowshoe excursion to one of the chalets and back, this will be my first attempt so I'll let you know how it goes!

Well, we did it!
6.21371192237 miles on the 7th !!!
It was a great run! I really, really enjoyed it and you know what? We all have one!! Nope, not a belly button, but a inner clock, that comfort zone, that natural pace and cadence that you run when you are cruising along comfortably. And that is exactly how my run went today.
The weather man had lied to me, promising +7C, but instead it was -5C with a windchill making it feel like -10C. Luckily I had dressed properly and I ran around my little peninsula in the Ottawa River while enjoying the sights and sounds of my community. There were snowmobiler's, people out ice-fishing on Buckham's Bay along with a great game of shinny going on as well. People embrace the winter season here, you have to, either that or you head for Cuba.
My run was 1:07:43, and as you know, Garmins don't lie, hahahaha....thanks for that great line Vava!
So, I'd like to take a moment to thank Run to Finish for hosting this fantastic event, you certainly got a lot of us up off the couch and out the door to enjoy a wonderful winters day!
Well, that's it for now,
Life's fun if you don't weaken,