Instead of running outside this week I've been taking advantage of the gym that I've being making donations to for the past year.
The Twenty Minute torture test is starting to become a little easier, it surprises me how unfit I actually am. Even though I have thighs similar to the T-Rex, my upper body is sadly lacking in any semblance of on to the torture mill I go, whoot I'm up to 25 pounds on some of the machines and 55 pounds on others, guess what I'm working out at 55 pounds? .... yes, my legs. I'm actually having a blast at the gym Mr. Muscle is there lifting some godforsaken weight and grunting and shouting as he does it....mild entertainment to say the least.
The mindless time on the dreadmill is actually helping me prioritise my life and it allows me to reflect on my "other business".
Which by the way is going swimmingly, and much to my surprise, I stopped on my way home from the gym and picked up the latest copy of " O " magazine....(believe me, I never watch Oprah), but for some reason like the siren's song, I picked up a copy and yes, there on the inside back cover.....yes ladies, is an advertisement for the product of my home based business! I must say the selection looks stunning on the model!! Check it out!
This will not be a long post, but Lily and I would like very much to wish our "south of the border" friends and fellow bloggers a very Happy Thanksgiving. Please take the time to give thanks and blessings to those who are in far away lands, serving to protect our countries, they too would love to be home surrounded by family and friends.

Have a great day everybody!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,