The past few years the Wooo Hooo's have "competed" in the Wooo Hooo Du. A rock'n little event held at my place complete with Bling, swag bags and certificates of completion. Hey, we're not cheap and don't spare the expense!! This year however, due to family commitments and other such noteworthy happenings we won't be "doing the Du"
A few us will however get together for a nice cycle and mandatory adult BEvERages afterwards with a potluck lunch...hey, it's all about having fun!
bling and swag bags, nothing but the best |
it's all about the bling |
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Awesome! Sounds like fun! My favorite part would be enjoying good BEvERages and food with the chicas! :)
It's been a whole year???? Wow, I must be having a lot of fun.... Have a BEvERage for me.
I'm sure you'lla ll have a great time regardles. Enjoy!
I'm sure you will have a fabulous time, regardless! Love the new banner pictures!
Have a blast!
I wanna be a Wooo Hooo :)
Have fun even thought it's just an uno.
lookin' good ladies!
p.s. thanks for all your sweet comments on my blog, regarding that 2nd shitstorm. :0) xxoo.
This sounds like one du I'd really like to tri (he he). You are so lucky to be among Woo Hoos.
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