- This past weekend was as busy as usual. Saturday was spent with friends helping a Wooo Hooo celebrate a milestone birthday! It was a gorgeous day spent on Allumette Island in the middle of the Ottawa River. BEvERages, bonfires, great food and live bluegrass music, what more could you ask for?

- Getting my running in lately has been a challenge, between the extreme humidity and heat (which I'm loving) and back pain, well let's just say it has been minimal, but that is going to have to change soon! I'm way behind in my Half Marathon training and I've got a 10K race in 24 days! Yikes!!!
- On side note, we've all been touched by cancer somehow, whether it is a family member, friend, acquaintance, or maybe yourself. Our doctor's and researchers' work tirelessly trying to find a cure as well as funding for this dreaded disease that has so many faces. I have volunteered to be a ride guide on a very important fund raising ride here in Ottawa by the name of Ride the Rideau. This is a fully supported 100Km cycle along the very scenic route from Ottawa's Landsdowne Park to Merrickville, where we will be greeted with a cheering section from the village and from researcher's and employee's from MDS Nordion, a major sponsor of the event, they will be there acknowledging the cyclist's of whom for some, this will be their first monumental ride. There will be music, food, massage therapists and yes, even a shampoo room for your tired bikes! I'm really looking forward to this 100K, 2010 has certainly been an epic year of volunteering and fundraising for causes I believe in. Giving back, paying forward, tithing, whatever you want to call it, sure makes you feel GREAT!!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
*Share the Road was held in Sudbury, Ontario, on Tuesday evening. Unfortunately during the event one of the cyclists was hit by vehicle, luckily not killed. To date there has been no update as to their condition. You can read the newspaper article that was posted in the Sudbury Star. Stay safe everyone
"Bikes don't have Airbags"